Legacy Version

225 Cambridge

Terrace Park, Ohio Building Survey

Click here for photo Click here for deed index
No: 225  Street: Cambridge Name: 
Family: Hart Owner Info: N
Built: 1958 Sec: 23 Sub: Pattison & Iuen Lot: Ir pt 29-30-31
Architect:  Cont/Build: Amherst Construction Co. (Bill Stevens?)
#Owners: 2F Original Use: Residential Current Use: Residential
CHANGES As Built:  Add To: Y Sub From:  Replace: 
1962 - Larry Dunning added a screen porch and new garage.
Current Owner: Robin E. Hart (daughter of Marjorie) Date Fr: 1991 Date To: 
Original Owner:Elizabeth G. Dunning (& Larry) Date Fr: 1961 Date To: 1980
Owner 1Elizabeth G. Smithy (& Samuel C.) Date Fr 11980 Date To 11991
Owner 2Marjorie J.  Manly Date Fr 21991 Date To 21991
Owner 3 Date Fr 3  Date To 3
Owner 4 Date Fr 4 Date To 4
Owner 5 Date Fr 5 Date To 5
1975 Owner:  Elizabeth G. Dunning. Ir pt lots 29, 30 & 31 PI
Description: 1 story brick & siding Ranch, gable roof. 
Story 1: Samuel Cargill Smithy died 15 May 1981, aged 60 (cremated).
1960 Directory: E. R. & Sue Hanslip (moved from 717 Myrtle & to 726 Myrtle) renters?
1962-68 Directories: Larry & Libby Dunning
1969-72 Directories: Mrs. Larry (Libby) Dunning
1973-78 Directories: E. R. (Libby) Dunning
1980 Directory: Sam & Libby Smithy & Dunning children
1982-91 Directories: Mr. Sam (Libby) Smithy & Dunning children
1992-2012 Directories: David & Robin Manly Hart (Robin grew up at 97 Miami)