Where they came from to school:
CD = Camp Dennison
Co = Columbia Township
F = Fairfax
IH = Indian Hill
N = Newtown
P = Plainville
Ma = Mariemont
Mar = Marathon
Mi - Milford
RB = Red Bank
TP = Terrace Park
* = Deceased (others too but * are the ones we know)
1890 1 TP Mary Highland(s) (or 1895?)
1891 1 Blanche Howe
(Also from program Charles N. Elliot)
1893 George McClume J. W. Slpey ? Supt?
Howard Elliot W. H. Williams Teacher
(Blanche Howe or 1890 or 91?)
1894 3 George McClelland (Is Victor McClelland at 723 Park his son?)
Howard Elliot
Lou Connett
1895 Grace Crawford?
1897 2 Jennie Sederburg
George Longworth (certificate – no Latin)
1898 2 Laurie Simmons
Chester McClelland
1899 3 Ida Shumard (TP Historical Society has her diploma)
Edna McGeron (McGoren or McGoran) (m Barnes)
Evelyn (or Eva) K. Elliot (m. Stuntz)
1900 2 Ruth Turner (m Elliot)
Elizabeth Worz
1901 3 Ada Pauline Hendel (m Kingman)
Edna Alouise Worz
James Pe(a)rlee Bellville
1902 3 Kathryn S. Turner
Clara E. Williamson (m Lord)
Brent J. Cross
1903 4 Grace Bellville
Belle Gegner
TP Sidney Conkling (m Chapman) 615 Amherst
Roger Dayton
1904 1 CD Morris S. Walton
(Also from programs Samuel W. Lloyd, Charles A. Myers & C. V. Chesney)
1905 3 Francis (Fannie) R. Bellville
Annie (or Amy?) R. DeMar
TP Bertha Shumard (m Fletcher) (TP Historical Society has her diploma)
1906 2 TP Pearl Breiling (sister of Amy 1909 & Helen 1909) (m Christopher)
Laura Bellevue
(Alma Greene?)
(N Samuel Diehl?)
1907 3 Lida Beatrice McGoron
N Blanche Mabel Durham
N William Burton Ong
1908 1 Esa Turner
1909 5 TP Amy Breiling (sister of Pearl 1906 & Helen 1909)
TP Helen Breiling (sister of Pearl 1906 & Amy 1909) (m Fern)
Bertha Bellville
Elsie McChesney
Francis Gililand Henly (Hauley?)
1910 2 TP Rosina Cornelia Iuen (Virginia Marquette’s mother’s sister) (see story with
James Iuen & Anna Rosa Rimpler’s family genealogy – Chapter 8)
TP Herbert Worth Fillmore
1911 1 Henry Beiler
1912 2 Elbert Matthews
Joe Williams
1913 4 Louise Denneman (m. Fritz Huber) - Mary Louise [last graduates in that building]
Fred Iuen (1st cousin of Edith) - Frederick Joseph, brother of Margaret Iuen 1915: son & daughter of Joseph L. & Margaret Rimpler Iuen)
Edith Iuen (Virginia Marquette’s mother, m.Matt Cook) - Edith Elizabeth
Bessie Startsman (Dan Startsman’s aunt, m.Gardner Hart) - Elizabeth Marjorie
(TPHS has her graduation program)
1914 2 Mable Fillmore
Frances Williams
1915 3 TP Elsie Greer
Tower Hill Margaret Iuen (sister of Fred Iuen 1913)
TP Naomi Sommers (later ran Nursery School, corner of Marietta & Yale)
1916 5 Marie Drake
TP Marcia (or Marion?) Fry
Katie Keifer (Keefer?)
TP Lenora McMullen (see notes on 603 Wooster Pike by Virginia Marquette. Later lived on Washington.)
TP Anna Marie Morgan (or Moran?)
1923 6 (just 23 in the whole HS that year - Virginia Marquette has the school picture, given to her from Lillian M. Mintkenbaugh, 1924, shortly before she died)
Those in that picture are:
George Chapman
TP James Chapman (618 Yale)
Briget Cook
John Cosby
Albert Droesher
Cary Fite
Lawrence Gomien
TP Lawrence “Lefty” Grace (brother Leonard 1930 & sister Betty 1935) 202 Harvard
Dorothy Hudson
TP Evelyn Iuen (went to Milford after sophomore year. TP wouldn’t let her Graduate in 3 years as she wished.
Graduated from Milford in 1 more year)
TP Helen Iuen (Dick to Milford – sent to FL)
Elsa Kramer
TP Mary Catherine Lloyd
TP Phoebe Lloyd
Rose McGoron
TP Caroline Meurer 731 Miami
Ruth Meyers
Lillie Minkenbaugh
Charles Sederberg
Frank Tarvin
1924 4 TP Albert Elmer Droescher (m Marie) 823 Wooster Pike
TP Phoebe Edwards Lloyd
TP Caroline Emma Meurer 731 & 801 Miami
Lillian M. Mintkenbaugh
Terrace Park Schoolmates but not necessarily graduates
1927 *Branch Hill Don Cook (“the Bee Man” 731 Miami) (d Feb 2002) (His mother taught at
TPHS so they came on the train together)
TP *Harold Herrmann (742 Wooster & 615 Myrtle) (d 1996)
1928 TP Allen Lloyd
Elizabeth Matson (m Robert Carver)
Robert D. Carver (m Elizabeth Matson)
Lincoln Hurst (m June)
Eugene Philhower
1929 Teddy Bye
Catherine Carmell
Dick Carson
TP Dave or Bill Fenton
Lewis Gill
Peggy Houghton (sister of Elizabeth “Peggy” 1930, Ruben 1938 & James 1941?)
Kimball (f) (sister of Ruth 1930)
Catherine Link
Elizabeth Matson
TP Dorothy McGee (had brother & lived on Miami)
Herb Stille
Bessie Thomas
Dorothea Thomsen
Elizabeth Williams
N John Wilson (later principal of TPHS and County Superintendent)
1930 Clarence “Harry” Cunningham (m Elizabeth) (in picture below)
N *Lawrence Daily (m Elizabeth Swisher 1932) (brother of Charles 1932) (in picture)
Butterworth *Nancy Foster (m Louis Neuman) died 2003 (Butterworth Farm - part of the Underground Railroad - Quakers. Brothers Thomas 1932 & Gordon 1935. See article in Terrace Park High School & in obituary file) (in picture)
TP *Elizabeth “Peggy” Houghton (brothers Ruben 1938 & Jim 1941 quit school to go to work) (not in pictures)
Ruth Kimball (m Batsche) (sister in 1929) (in picture)
TP *Daniel Startsman (m Kath) (in picture)
Howard Thomas (in picture)
Additions from a large framed picture of the class of 1930.
Clarence Clark
Marcella Dean
TP (James) Leonard Grace (brother “Lefty” 1923 & sister Betty 1935) 202 Harvard
Butch Graff
Donald Hauke
Helen Hill
Marion Hurst
Bob Klettner
` Louis Macht (in 1931 annual)
Dorothy Mattox
TP Dorothy McGee
Martha Runyon
Bob Scalon
Bessie Thomas
1931 List from Yearbook with one not included
F Edna Balash
N Clara Mae Bridges
TP Joseph Carew Jesse Jameson?
Mi Mildred Carson
N Mary Thompson Clopton
TP John Russell Errett
CD Minnie Ferguson (sister of Harriett 1932, Florence 1936 & Geneva 1937)
TP Charles Harrison Fitzwilson Jr (brother of Robert 1933)
N Howard Friedrich
RB *Wexford Dennis Jones
P *Jesse William Jordan
TP William T. Lloyd
F Vermorgan Lucus (m Zeigler)
IH Louis Macht
N Gladys McBeth
M Roland Stevenson
Mar Mary E. Treadway
F Wendell W. Wyatt
N Ollie Young (m Shaw)
1932 N *Katherine Black (m Young)
P *Alice Brock (m O’Brien)
IH *Irene Chalfonte (m Lawrence Wehrung 1932) (sister of * Dorothy 1935, *Hilda 1937 & Jasper 1942)
TP *Jack Christopher (brother of Helen 1933) (215 Oxford)
F Francis Coy
N Charles Daily (m Emily Swisher 1936) (brother of Lawrence 1930)
CD Albert Edwards
CD Harriet Ferguson (m Walker) (sister of Minnie 1931, Florence 1936 & Geneva 1937)
Butterworth *Thomas Foster (brother of Nancy 1930 & Gordon 1935) [see note re Foster family at TPHS High School]
F *Albert Hartzel
N Leonard Heis (brother of Verna 1932 & Forest 1935)
N Verna Rosala Heis (m Cahall) (sister of Leonard 1932 & Forest 1935)
F? Kermit Hill
Miamiville *Ruth E. Holloway (m Brower)
TP Luella Innis (m Carver) (sister Mary 1934)
Ma Gwendolyn Laser
N Dorothy Jane Leever (m Flaherty)
P *Edna Lemon (m Watkins)
IH Edna Macht (m Bisher) (sister of Louis 1931)
P William Marr
Ma Alma Massingill
Bethel Clyde Mattox (brother Ralph 1938)
TP *William McCammon
Ma David McDaniel
TP Robert Patterson (brother of “Bill” 1932)
TP William Patterson (brother of “Bob” 1932)
N William Raidt
Ma Otto Salsbery
Ma Etta Jane Schwemberger
N *Alice Spresser (m Mathis) (sister of Roberta 1940 & Lois 1949)
N Elizabeth Swisher (m Lawrence Daily 1930) (sister of Emily 1936, Jack 1937, *Lois 1941 & Becky 1950/51)
Ma John Tatman
TP *Sara Frances Thomas (m Birdo Marsh)
F Hilda Grace “Helen” Vanderbeek (m Greathouse) (sister of Robert)
TP Mary Catherine Van Frank (m C. Wall) (sister of Robert 1937)
N Ruth Vetter (m Brockamp)
TP Emily May Wayman (m Miskell)
M Ethel Webb (m Daniels) (sister of Marie 1935)
TP Lawrence Wehrung (m *Irene Chalfonte 1932)
N Mildred Williams (m Schneider)
Ma Hilda Thomsen??? (not in Year Book – 1933?)
1933 N Calvin Bainum
TP Helen Christopher (m Barnett) (sister of Jack 1932) (215 Oxford)
Ma Donald Conover
TP *Virgil Fender (m *Rosemary Maerki 1937) (sister of Betty [m *Halvorson] 1941 Plainville grad)
F Leota Harmon (sister of Irvin & twins Roger & Alfred, all 1936)
N Anna Mae Herr (m Larry M. Bickel)
N Mary Louise Herr (m William McDonald)
Ma Burton H. Kelley (m Betty Palmer – d 1986) d 1977
TP (733 Elm) Florence Klettner (m Vestring) (sister of Ruth 1934 & Leroy 1936)
Mi Chester Preston
TP (Given Road) Clarence Weaver
TP Katherine West (m McComb) (203 Marietta) (sister of Elizabeth 1936, David
1940 & Richard “Dick”1948)
*Walter Wood
Others in Junior Class 1932 (don’t know if they graduated in 1933)
N Marjorie Black
Richard Bowen
Ma John Carver 1934?
Eleanor Davis
TP Lucy Ellett
TP Catherine Errett
TP Robert Fitzwillson (brother of Charles 1931)
CD Elsie Frazier (sister of Bessie 1937)
Ma Neva Graham
TP Harriett Holliday
TP Robert Huddleston (brother of Charles 1939)
Herbert Jones
F Ira Kincaid
Ruth Kuntz
IH Rd Muriel Judd
Ma Stuart Postle
TP Gordon Richards (Wooster Pike?)
IH Rd Helen Shilts
Ma Helen Thomsen
N Robert Waits (brother or Thomas 1934)
TP or IH Mary Jane Weaver (on Given)
Ma Virginia Wickerham
1934 N Larry Bickel (m Anna Mae)
N Delbert Burger (brother of Evelyn 1936. Burger Farm family)
N *Robert Carpenter
Ma John Carver (1933?)
TP James M. Chapman (m Betty)
Wilber Craycraft
TP *Lida B. Eveland
TP Earl Ferguson (brother of Robert 1940, Lee 1942 & Laura 1948???)
*Marie Fisher (sister of Mary Charlotte 1941, Robert 1943, Patricia 1949 & Ruby 1951?)
TP Huston Ford
N *John Huheey
N George Ingram (brother of Frances 1935)
TP Mary Innis (m L. Barnes) (sister of Luella 1932)
TP (733 Elm) Ruth Klettner (m Vestring) (sister of Florence 1933 & Leroy 1936)
N *Eugene Leming
N Beatrice Masters (m Frank Siegel)
Mary Mayer (m F. Curtis)
TP *William Miller (brother of Donald 1938, Harold 1944 & Evelyn 1947) d 4/17/2000
(Family still owns Schoolhouse Restaurant) 731 Park
N *Earl Rutherford (brother of William 1938?)
N Louis Sanderfer
N *Thomas Waits (brother of Robert 1933)
N *Melin Walker
*Charles Watkins
TP Dorothy Wayman (m Perry)
1935 TP Betty Alexander (m Startsman)
N *Ethel Badgley (m Wendell)
TP Col. Sam D. Berman
TP & Ma *Mack H. Booze (brother of *Dick 1937, Kathryn 1938 & Roger 1941)
(Parents divorced. Father rented 625 Elm. Mother lived in Mariemont.)
N *Arthur Boyles
CD Thelma Caldwell (m Davis)
IH *Dorothy Chalfonte (sister of *Irene 1932,* Hilda 1937 & Jasper 1942)
F Gayle Cox
N Robert Davis
Butterworth Gordon Foster (sister Nancy 1930, brother Thomas 1932)
TP Betty Grace (brothers “Lefty” 1923 & Leonard 1930) (202 Harvard)
N *Forest Heis (brother of Leonard 1932 & Verna 1932)
P Ruth Henize (m Clifford Brooks)
P Wilson Henize (m Stella Prosch 1939)
N *Ruth Howcraft
N Frances Ingram (m Smith) (sister of George 1934)
N Robert C. Kuhn (brother of Olive 1937, Virginia 1940, Joseph & Marvin 1946, & Jack 1947)
N Vera Burger (m Ellsworth Lang)
N *Lucille Leming (m Forrest Bainum) (sister of Bob 1936)
N Arlene McCoy (m Cole)
Howard Little
N Paul Muhlberger (brother of Dora 1940, Gregory 1943 & Dan 1945)
N Lavenna Robinson (m Flasch)
N Charles Shaw (m Marilyn) (brother of David 1939 & Dick 1941)
N *Howard Shockey d June 1992
N Donald L. Smith d January 26, 2007.
TP Guy A. Startsman Jr. (brother of Shirley 1937)
N Norvan Walker
Ma Marie Webb (m Richard Lindall) (sister of Ethel 1932)
N Evelyn Wolke
N Jeanette Young (m Kain)
1936 F *Stephen Anglin
P *Frank E. Bowsher (TPHS has his diploma & graduation invitation [TP School book]) (music teacher)
(more information to come from daughter in 2004)
N Evelyn Burger (m Zeller) (Sister of Delbert 1934. Burger Farm family on Rt.32. Related to Fille & Iuen families)
N Clarence Clark (m Lois Davis 1936)
N Lois Davis (m Clarence Clark 1936)
CD Louis Doty
TP *Miles F. Eveland
CD Florence Ferguson (sister of Minnie 1931, Harriet 1932 & Geneva 1937)
N Rosida Friedrich (m Schneider)
TP *John L. Galloway (brother of Henry 1940)
F William Goddard
TP *Howard Grischy (brother of Carolyn 1942)
TP Serena W. Halfhill
TP Dorothy M. Halvorson (sister of Jack 1940)
F Alfred Harmon (in 1937 Annual)(twin of Roger) (3 brothers of Leota 1933)
F Irvin Harmon
F Roger Harmon (twin of Alfred)
*Clifford “Ben” Hewett d 1998
TP John C. Huggins
F Woodrow Hurst
TP Leroy Klettner (m Martha) (brother of Florence 1933 & Ruth 1934)
N *Robert Leming (m Rita Obermeyer)(brother of Lucille 1935)
Ruth Mayfield
N Alice I. Mikles (sister of Alvera 1936)
N Alvera G. Mikles (sister of Alice 1936)
F Donald R. Naish
N Harold Oberschlake
P *Louise Peters (m Eshman)
N Gladys Robinson (m Carl Lang)
TP *Simon Ross
F Robert Rutherford (brother of Orion 1937?)
TP *Deborah J. Startsman (m Stedron)(sister of Dan 1930) (Rented Cook house when first married)
N Emily Swisher (m Charles Daily 1932) (sister of Elizabeth 1932, Jack 1937, *Lois 1941 & Becky 1950/51)
(Swisher family ran a store in Newtown)
N William N. Walker
F Clyde J. Watson
TP Paul Weintritt (m Jo Ellen) (brother of Richard 1939)
N *Ronald F. Wentz (brother of Betty 1937, Janet 1939 & Doris 1942)
TP *Elizabeth West (sister of Katherine 1933, David 1940 & Richard “Dick” 1948)
Lucille Williams
N Ann Wilson
Eleanor M. Zaengle
Dorothy Zagoren
1937 Ma Faye Beeson (m *Robert Corey 1937)
TP *Richard R. Booze (brother of Mack 1935, Kathryn 1938 & Roger 1941) (625 Elm)
CD *Helen Caldwell (m Davis) d Jan 1992
N *Betty Carmichael (m Otis)
IH *Hilda Chalfonte (sister of Dorothy 1935 [m Rosenweig Milford store family], Irene 1932 & Jasper 1942 [m Jane Spence])
TP Philip A. Chapman (m Eleanor) (brother of Ted 1939)
TP *Robert Corey (m Faye Beeson 1937) (twin of John 1938)
P Irene Cox
N Clifford Leonard Crull (became a dentist)
Mary Ellen Dakin (m Benson)
Ma Irene Duckering (m Getz)
CD Geneva Ferguson (m Henry Bland Jr) (sister of Minnie 1931, Harriet 1932 & Florence 1936)
CD Bessie Frazier (m Richmond) (sister of Elsie 1933)
TP Mary Ann Gerton (sister of Lilliam 1942)
N Lester Guynn (m Margaret)
N *Rosella Heis (m John Kuehl 1937l)
F Bertha Henderson (m Baker)
Ralph Hotter
P *John Jordan
Ma Robert E. Kelley (m Louise Watts – d 1984) d 1965 (They had 3 children all of
whom graduated from Mariemont HS:
Robert W. Kelley 1961 (Maineville OH in 2007 – Cincinnati area)
Christina L. Kelley 1964 (Carmel IN in 2007 – Indianapolis area)
Patricia D Kelley 1972 (Winter Springs FL in 2007 – Orlando area)
Ma *Clara King (m Earl Stedtefeld 1937)
TP Geraldine Kneisley (sister of Esther 1947? & Joanne 1948?) 500 Marietta
John Kuehl (m *Rosella Heis 1937)
N Olive Kuhn (m Aicholz) (sister of Robert 1935, Virginia 1940, Joseph & Marvin 1946 & Jack 1947)
TP Louise Leaf (m Ralph Cooper) (brother Ike) (1005 Elm)
Ma or F *Rosemary Maerki (m Virgil Fender 1933) (sister of Betty 1941)
Florence Martin
Ma Marion Miller (m Starr)
Hilda O’Hara
Ma Russell W. Parks
F Marla Perkins (m Harold Wiedman)
TP *Janet Piper (m Puthoff)
P *Jane Riehle (m Butterbaugh) (sister of Betty, Plainville 1941)
CD Matilda Robinson (m Cook)
F Orion Rutherford (brother of Robert 1936?) (perhaps more in family?)
TP Agnes Schmidt (m Gauche) (older three are Elizabeth, Marie [worked some in
Grocery store] and Joe, then Edward 1937, Agnes 1937, Charles 1940 &
Raymond 1942. The family leased the Iuen farm in Terrace Park [moved there in
1937] and lived in the old farmhouse on the corner of Indian Hill and Fieldstone)
TP *Edward Schmidt (brother of Agnes above)
TP Patty Sorenson (m Ackard) (sister of Jane 1938)
TP Shirley Startsman (m T. W. Selman) (sister of Guy 1935) (rented Cook house on Wooster when first married)
F *Earl Stadtefeld (m Clara King 1937)
TP *Robert Strathman [builder] (m Betty Brunner 1941) (brother of Arthur, Fred [plumber], Walter [builder], Roland 1938 [builder, non grad, wanted to be a professional baseball player], Mary 1938 & Ruth 1941 m Clayton)(Mary & Ruth only graduates)
N Jack Swisher (m *Violet Meier) (brother of Elizabeth 1932, Emily 1936, Lois 1941 & Becky 1950/51)
TP Robert “Bob” Tingley (brother of Frank 1940, Eugene 1942 & Lois 1946) 429 Elm (cousins of Beekleys)
N James Tuttle (m Marcella Baldwin 1938) (brother of Alma 1938)
TP *Robert Van Frank (m Margaret Schaeffer 1942) (brother of Mary Catherine 1932)
Richard Walker
N Betty Wentz (m Bill Bertsch) (sister of Ronald 1936, Janet 1939 & Doris 1942)
TP *John West
1938 N Marcella Baldwin (m James Tuttle 1937)
N Elaine Beets (m Warner)
N Carl Bickel
TP & Ma Kathryn Booze (m Sauer) (sister of Mack 1935, Dick 1937 & Roger 1941) 625 Elm
F Anna Brennecke (sister of William 1939)
N Cary Ann Carter (m Burton)
N Dale Caplinger
TP Elizabeth “Libby” Clancey (Private School grad) (sister of Harrison 1941) 306 Stanton
TP John Corey (twin of Robert 1937)
Ma Mary Crohurst
Ma Bob Dartt
TP Marion Davis (sister of Nina Claire 1941, John 1944 & brother - Gravelotte)
Ma *William Dokes
Ma Louise Durwald
TP Eliza Eveland (m Bruce Brown)
N Margaret Fike
William Howard Fite
F Allen Fledderman (m Betty)
CD Ellery Frankenberg
Ma Pat Gallagher (m Freyhof) (sister of Susan m Robert O’Hara 1939)
Ma Carlton Garlough
TP Peggy Gatch (m *Fred Gatch) (sister of Mary Con Gatch 1943) 504-1 Miami
P Charles Gauer
P Verona Graham
Ma Alvin Haines
F Joe Hartman
F *Laverne Hazenfield (m Hooper)
TP *Ruben Houghton (non grad) (brother of Elizabeth “Peggy” 1930, & James 1941)
Ma James Leue
Ma Jean Keown (m David) (only senior year) (sister of Millie 1939 & Grace 1941)
N James W. Kinley
IH William Klein (mother was cook for Albers family)
TP *Claire Kuntz (m M. Miller) (sister of Galen 1947)(TP Tavern & cabins family)
Ma Eleanor Leavitt
N Robert Leever
Ma Roberta Lewis (m Holmes)
N Catherine Masters (m Milton)
N *Burdett Mathis d July 9, 1996
Bethel Ralph Mattox (brother of Clyde 1932) (Father was Science teacher)
TP Ruby Meier (sister of Claire 1939 & boy) (moved to Brill Rd IH)
TP *Donald G. “Red” Miller (brother of William 1934, Harold 1944 & Evelyn 1947 - family still owns Schoolhouse Restaurant)
731 Park
Miamiville Charles Perry
Ma *Robert M. Peters
Ma *Jack Phelps
Miamiville *Beatrice Purdy (m Floyd Wiederhold 1938) d Nov 1999
N Frank B. Rolfes
Ma Juanita Rowe
N William Rutherford (Brother of Earl 1934?)
F *Francis Schaffner
F Lawrence Schlottman
TP *Dorothy Seed (m J. Boscovich or Rohrer?)
TP Jane Sorenson (m Barrett) (sister of Patty 1937)
TP *Mary Strathman (m Baxter) d 1998 (sister of Fred, Walter, Robert 1937, Roland 1938 & Ruth 1941)
TP *Roland Strathman (brother of Fred, Walter, Robert 1937, Mary 1938 & Ruth 1941)
F Betty Thompson
N Alma Tuttle (m Bierbaum) (sister of James 1937)
Ma *Jeanne VanPelt (m Fahnestock) (sister of John 1940)
P Frank Watkins
Ma Janice White (m Rehring)
Miamiville Floyd ”Bud” Wiederhold (m Beatrice Purdy 1938) (Iuen relative. See p 84 in Iuen book)
F Norman Yeager
1939 Ma Martha Alexander
Ma Andrew A. Beeson (m Norma) (Is he related to Faye 1937?)
F William Brennecke (brother of Anna 1938)
TP Florentine Buschmeier (m Lawrence Rumsey) (sister of Frank 1941 & Margaret 1945)
TP Ted Chapman (m Dee) (brother of Philip 1937)
IH *Edward Dalton (m Lucille) (Father was caretaker for L. B. Harrison property on Drake)
CD Willa Ferguson (m Leonard Hawkins) (more in family)
Ma Arty Fleishman
*Alberta Frankenberg (m Maurice Wagner)
IH Ted Gatchell
Ma Col. Edward S. Goepper
TP Charles Huddleston (brother of Robert 1933)
F Vivian Ille (m David Seig)
TP Mary Jacobs
Ma Mary Lou Jewett (m Harold Sparks)
N Carrie Emma Johnston (m Joseph E. Schultz) (sister of Kathren 1941 & Donna 1944)
Ma Millie Keown (m Donald Nielsen) (sister of Jean 1938 & Grace 1941)
IH William King (m Betti)
N *Aldon Kinney (m Margie)
Ma Ellen Klopp (m Charles Burroughs)
James Kruse
Ma Bess Lewis (m Storm)
Ma George E. Lewis Jr. (m Norma)
Ma Margaret Lewis (m Dale Kessler)
Ma William Lindeberg (m Jerri)
Betty Mayer (m Hilton Hummel)
TP *Sally McKee (m *Stewart Tarkington) (sister of John 1941; half sister of Dennis 1947, Hugh 1948 & Harriet 1950 - same father, different mother [1st wife died])
TP Claire Meier (m Keith Fowler) (sister of Ruby 1938 & brother) (moved to Brill Rd IH)
N Shirley Meier
TP Robert Mitchell (brother of Alice 1942)
F Walter Moore
TP Robert O’Hara (m *Ma Susan Gallagher) "Tea House” 435 Elm
Ma *Edwin Paulson (m Claire)
P Stella Prosch (m Wilson Henize 1935)
Ma Jean Sampson (m Howard Moore)
N Frances Schadle (m Allen Reed)
Joseph Schultz
Paul Scott
Ed Seibert
N David Shaw (brother of Charles 1935 & Dick 1941)
N Esther Smith (m Oswalt)
F George Stump (m Melva)
Ma *Carl Thomsen (m Alice Mitchell 1942. They lived at 622 Myrtle)
N Harry Tucker
N Janet Wentz (m Gilbert Unterseher) (sister of Ronald 1936, Betty 1937 & Doris 1942)
Katherine Wood
TP Richard C. Weintritt (brother of Paul 1936)
TP Suzanne Wisnewski (m John Magness)
N Virginia Woodmansee
1940 N *Charles Aicholtz
Ma Anne Alexander (m Marion Crouse)
F Evelyn Anglin (m Jack Roberts)
Ma Joy Arnette (m Edward Bierbaum)
N *Hazel Bartels (sister of Loretta 1944 & Russell)
F *Paul Bay
TP *Doris Beekley (m M. Minderman) (sister of Virginia 1945) (601 Wooster –
Beekley family there to take care of Boones. Their home was on Drake Road, IH) (cousins of Tingleys)
F Francis Bingham (m Lloyd Seal)
F Richard Blackburn (m Norma)
TP Earl L. Boland (m Barbara)
Ma Mary Boster (m Tom K. Miller 1940)
TP William Brown (m *Grace Flint 1940) 111 Terrace Place
N Marjorie Burger (m Kenneth Yockey)
N James W. Carter (m Miriam)
Ma Margaret (Peggy) Crenshaw (m Charles Close)
Ma *Harry Crohurst
P Charles Cutler (m Delores Dutton 1940)
F Charles Dumford (m Ruth)
F Delores Dutton (m Charles Cutler 1940)
N *Marilyn Elston (m *Robert Dietz)
TP *Robert Ferguson (brother of Lee 1942 & Laura 1948) 312 Rugby?
TP *Albert D. Flint (brother of Lois 1943) 609 Miami
TP *Grace Flint (m William Brown 1940) 407 Marietta (not a sister of Albert 1940 & Lois 1943 - may be cousins?)
TP Henry C. Galloway (m Joan) (brother of John 1936)
IH Dottie Gieske (m Elmer Moerschel)
F Ruby Hall (m *Louis Nickolin)
TP *Jack Halvorson (m Betty Maerki 1941) (brother of Dorothy 1936 & Rosemary 1937)
M *John “Hans” Hermanies (m *Dorothy)
IH James Hewett
F Ruth Hines (m *Robert Downing)
IH Jean Johnson (m Richard Shaw 1941) (sister of Roger 1943)
Ma William C. Kelley (m Audrey Johnson – still living in 2007) d 1993
Ma *Dorothy Knoeppel (m Sadler)
N Virginia Kuhn (m Robert Peet) (sister of Robert 1935, Olive 1937, Joseph & Marvin 1946, & Jack 1947)
Ma Mary MacCaa (m Dan A. Preger)
F *Ruth Menke (m A. Shelton)
*Tom Miller (m Mary Boster 1940)
N *Dora Muhlberger (m Calico) (sister of Paul 1935, Gregory 1943 & Dan 1945)
TP Frank Payne
Ma Phil R. Phelps Jr. (m Lois Louise Wyatt)
Miamiville or CD Mary Quale (m J. Davis) (sister of Shirley 1944, Robert & Tom?)
Ma Jack Ray
F Elinor Rea (m Joe Mullins)
TP *Perkie E. Ruck
TP Walter St. Clair (m Virginia)
F Louis R. Schanz (m Doris)
TP *Charles Schmidt (m Margaret Shively 1940) (see brother Edward 1937)
CD Margaret Shively (m Charles Schmidt 1940)
F Garnet Spaninger (m Lee Roy Chambers)
N Rolutta Spresser (m *William Camarata) (sister of Alice 1932 & Lois 1949)
TP Bette Stubbs (m Edward Rorke)
TP *Ruth “Ruby” Sullivan (m *Les Kelly) (sister of Alice 1943) d 2001 (sisters raised here by their aunt)
N Bill Taylor (m Norma Henderson 1946) (brother or Laura 1941, twins Dorothy & Donald 1941, 2 older boys - Charles & Stanley) (lived on Main Street, Newtown)
F Jean Thompson (m Homer Bauer)
TP Frank Tingley (brother of Robert 1937, Eugene 1942 & Lois 1946) (429 Elm) (cousins of Beekleys)
F Jane Tull (m *Jack Young)
Ma David L Uhling (m Jane)
Ma *John VanPelt (brother of Jeanne 1938)
Ma William W. Welch (m Patricia)
Paul Wentz
TP David West (m Evelyn) (brother of Katherine 1933, Elizabeth “Libby”1936 & Richard “Dick” 1948)
Ma *Stewart Wood (m 1st Doris Beekley. m 2nd Mirian )
1941 TP Roger Booze (brother of Mack 1935, Dick 1937 & Kathryn 1938)
TP George Bourgraf (brother of Elroy 1949) 628 Myrtle
N William Britton
P William R. Brown (Plainville grad)
TP Betty Brunner (m *Robert Strathman) (sister of Gene 1944 & Frank 1949) 407 Elm
TP Frank Buschmeier (m Elaine) (brother of Florentine 1939 & Margaret in 1945)
*Herbert Cassidy
TP Harrison Clancey (m Cora) (brother of Libby 1938) 306 Stanton
TP Samuel Cone (Mary Gerard 1942) (brother of Frank 1945)
TP Virginia Cook (m Paul Marquett) Wooster Pike
TP *Nina Davis (m C. Finney) (sister of Marian 1938 & John 1944) Gravelotte
TP Richard Everhart (m Betty)
N Mary Charlotte Fisher (m Young) (sister of Marie 1934, Robert 1943, Patricia 1949, & Ruby 1951) (Farmland in Newtown)
TP *Carol Forshee (m McAdor) 401 Stanton
TP *Dorothy Fullen (m Lloyd) (Sycamore – Father, Arthur, was chauffeur on IH)
(others in family – Ina, Margie, Betty & a boy)
CD *Mae Haney (m Mark Johnson) (Milford grad) (sister of Margaret 1944)
*N Jack Harvey
TP *James Houghton (non grad) (brother of Elizabeth “Peggy”1930 & Ruben 1938)
N Kathren “Katie” Johnston (m *Richard Carter) (sister of Donna 1944 & Carrie 1949)
Ma Russell Jordan (P grad)
N *Gladys Julifs (m Miller) (sister of Faye 1945)
CD Earl K. Kelch (Milford grad)
Ma *Grace Keown (m Gunkel) (sister of Jean 1938 & Millie 1939)
TP Mary Kipp (m Flynn & Sidenstick) 709 Myrtle
N Frank Klatte
N Wanda Martin (m Painer)
TP John McKee (brother of Sally 1939, half brother of Dennis 1947, Hugh 1948 & Harriet 1950 - same father, different mother)
Ma *Helen Miller (m Edward Hill 1945) (later music teacher at TP)
P *Betty Riehle (m Bob Patterson) (sister of Jane 1937) (Plainfield grad)
TP Juanita Sanford (m Leroy Coleman)(m Andrew Grande) (Father ran Service Station next to TP Tavern)
N *Richard Shaw (m Jean Johnson 1940) (brother of Charles 1935 David 1939)
N *Alfred Smart (brother of Jean 1947 & Rosemary 1944?)
N *Howard Smith
N Vivian Smith
TP Ruth Strathman (m Clayton) (sister of Arthur, Fred, Walter, Roland, Robert 1937, & Mary 1938)
N *Lois Swisher (m Red Eveland) (sister of Elizabeth 1932, Emily 1936, Jack 1937 & Becky 1950/51) (did Lois graduate?)
N Donald Taylor (brother of Bill 1940, Laura & Dorothy 1941)
N Dorothy Taylor (m Crow) (sister of Bill 1940, Laura & Donald 1941)
N Laura Taylor (m Brown) (sister of Bill 1940 & twins Dorothy & Donald 1941. Laura is a year older than the twins. Two older boys – Charles & Stanley)
Ma Helen Welch (m Hill)(Plainfield grad)
1942 CD Elva Anderson (m Harold Maphet)
N Marjorie Aszman (m Aldon Kinney)
Thomas Caldwell
N Donald Carter (m Launa Dres 1946)
IH Jasper”Jay” Chalfonte (brother of Irene 1932, Hilda 1937, & Dorothy1935
[m Rosenweig] (2005 - daughter Cindy Gougherty 527-4042)
CD John Cosby (brother of Susie 1944)
TP Lorna Critchell
TP Phyllis Duell
CD Earl Eltzroth
TP Lee F. Ferguson (brother of Robert 1940 & Laura 1948) (312 Rugby?)
TP Mary Gerard (m Sam Cone 1941)
TP Lillian Gerton (sister of Mary Ann 1937)
TP Carolyn Grischy (sister of Howard 1936)
TP Margaret Jones
N Dorothy Kelly
N *Wilma Kuntz (m Krenty)
TP Patty Lindell (Carl Lindell, stepfather)
N Elbert Matthews
CD Dorothy Menke (m Everette Rogers)
TP *Alice Mitchell (m Carl Thomsen 1939) (sister of Robert 1939)
TP William Myers
CD Sylvia Quarker
N Fred Rensing
TP Margaret Schaeffer (m *Robert Van Frank 1937)
TP Raymond Schmidt (see brother Edward 1937)
N Dorothy Schub (m Dartt)
N Dorothy Schwab
CD William Singleton (m Vivian) (brother of Ray 1946? & Raymond 1949? & Harley 1948)
TP Betty Stein
TP Philip Stegemeyer (903 Elm)
TP Eugene Tingley (brother of Robert 1937, Frank 1940 & Lois 1946) (429 Elm) (cousins of Beekleys)
N Doris Wentz (m Wymer) (sister of Ronald 1936, Betty 1937 & Janet 1939)
N Gordon Wolfangel (brother of Ruth)
N Ruth Wolfangel (sister of Gordon)
1943 TP Lois Allison (m Alexander)
N Asa Brewer
TP *George Eveland
N Robert Fisher (brother of Marie 1934, Mary Charlotte 1941, Patricia 1949 & Ruby 1951)(Farmland in Newtown)
TP Lois Flint (sister of Albert 1940) 609 Miami
N Laura Eckert
TP Mary Con Gatch (m C. Miller) (sister of Peggy 1938) 504-1 Miami
TP *William Geiger d 1991 (brother of Clarabelle 1946 & Adolph)
TP Nancy Gerard (m Ricketts) (sister of Mary 1942)
TP Bobbie Havemann (m Joe A. Schott) (sister of Betty Jane 1935?)
TP Richard Herschberger
N Dollie Johnson (m Walker)
IH Roger Johnson (m Margaret) (brother of Jean 1940)
N Ruth Kelly (m Byles)
N Richard Lewis
N Gregory Muhlberger (brother of Paul 1935, Dora 1940 & Dan 1945)
TP Stewart Proctor (m Arline “Bunny”) (brother of Thomas 1945) 614 Floral
N Ray Ramey
TP *Eppa Rixey
TP *John Schmidt (Paint color expert)
TP *Jack Shank
TP *Frank Sorensen
TP Anna Mae Steelman (end of Lexington?)
TP Katherine Stoehr (m William Funke 1947) (sister of James 1947)
TP Alice Sullivan (m Donald Chandler. Part of the Iuen family) (sister of Ruth 1940) (sisters raised here by their aunt)
N Doris Trompter
TP Edwin Trout
TP *Robert Williams
1944 N Loretta Bartels (m Adams) (sister of Hazel 1940 & Russell)
N Eugene Bloomfield
N Lowell Boggs
TP *Gene Brunner (brother of Betty 1941 & Frank 1949) 407 Elm
TP Robert Carr Jr.
TP Jane Clark (m Young & then Aglamesis)
CD Susie Cosby (m Storey Stevens 1945) (sister of John 1942)
TP *Ferd Critchell (m Edie)
TP Jeanne Cummins (m Mellinger)(601 Wooster?)
TP John C. Davis II (brother of Marian 1938 & Nina Claire 1941 & brother?)
CD Margaret Haney (sister of Mae 1941)
N Thelma Heis (m Haussermann) (& others?)
N Betty Hostetler
CD Earl Howell (brother of Glenn 1949)
N Donna Johnston (sister of Carrie Emma 1939 & Kathren 1941)
TP *Jean Mathis (m McKenney) (628 Miami Mathis family)
TP Harold Miller (brother of William 1934, Donald 1938 & Evelyn 1947) (Schoolhouse Restaurant) 731 Park
N Corneluis Moermond Jr.
N William R. Oligee (m Janet)
Miamiville or CD *Shirley Quayle (sister of Mary 1940)
CD Charles Rahn (m *Margaret Greene 1947)
CD Ken Singelton
N Rosemary Smart (sister of Jean 1947 & Alfred 1941)
TP Rose Ellen Stephens (m E. Klawitter)
Leavinia Walston
1945 TP Edith Lataine Allen (m John Chenshaw)
N Virginia Applegate (m Cole)
TP *Norene Basinger
TP *Virginia Ann “Ginny” Beekley (m Bob Jones. Divorced.) (sister of Doris 1940) (cousins of Tingleys) 601 Wooster Pike
N Carol Binder (m Byrne)
TP *Betty Bowerstock (m Britton) (sister Bonnie) (lived on Cornell)
TP Margaret Buschmeier (m Suer) (sister of Florentine 1939 & Frank 1941)
TP Margaret Collier (m Baumann) lived on Floral
TP? *Frank Cone (brother of Sam 1941)
N or TP *Virginia Donley
N? Dorothy Dority (m J. Carson) (sister of Carolyn 1946, Rolph 1951 & Robert 1952)
TP *Patricia Fehl
N Bernice Fix (m Wolf) (sister of Jerome 1946, Arthur 1947, Audrey 1949 & JoAnn 1950)
TP Helen Grinstead (m Woodrow Murphy)
N Janet Harris (m Wiete)
N *Edward Hill (m Helen Miller 1941, later music teacher at TP. Later divorced)
N Faye Julifs (m Kuhurif) (sister of Gladys 1941)
IH William King
N Ruth Leever (m Charles Smith) (cousin of Taylor)
N Naomi Long (m Lemon)
N June Money (m Haar)
N Alice J. Mooney
N *Dan Muhlberger (brother of Paul 1935, Dora 1940 & Gregory 1943)
TP Thomas Proctor (m Mary Ann) (brother of Stewart 1943) 614 Floral
TP Joe Schott (m Bobbie)
TP Edward Seigle
TP Storey Stevens (m Susie Cosby 1944)
N Ada Eileen Ward (m James Kelly)
N Gerald Whitley
1946 N Neil Aicholtz
N Joyce Asman (m McKinney) (sister of Marge)
N Loretta Amburgey (m Fisher)
TP Faylene Barber (m Doty)
N Loretta Binkley (m John Gest)
Betafaye Brewer (m Baumgartner)
IH Joseph C. Busken Jr. (brother of Jerusha 1949, Linda 1956 (m Bernie Dowd)
N Betty Carter (m Perkins)
Tower Hill Ruth Clennin (m Frerking)(sister of Margaret 1949, Lois 1956 & Dorothy)
N Miriam Collins (m James Carter)
TP Marian Corwin (m Kotte) (parents Hume & Velma. 603 Wooster, Robinson House, then built on IH Rd.)
N *William Clinton (brother of *Bob 1947, Dorothy 1948 & *Ray 1951)
TP Peggy Cummins (m Schaeffer) 601 Wooster???
N Dotty Daw (m Mathers)
N *Ralph Dietz
CD *Carolyn Dority d August 17, 1996 (sister of Dorothy 1945, Rolph 1951 & Robert 1952)
N Launa Dres (m Donald Carter 1942)
IH Miriam Virginia Faulkner (m Charles Araujo)
N Jerome Fix (brother of Bernice 1945, Arthur 1947, Audrey 1949 & JoAnn 1950)
Marian Fuller (m O’Niel) (sister of Jean, Milford grad 1948)
TP Clarabelle Geiger (m Apple) (sister or William 1943 &Adolph)
N Jackson Hamlin (m Virginia)
N Norma Henderson (m Bill Taylor 1940)
N Jack Humphries (brother of Fred 1948)
TP* Carol Jaap (m Jack Root)
N Donald Justice
N Juanita Kirby (m Byrns) (sister of Edgar 1950)
N Joseph M. Kuhn (brother of Robert 1935, Olive 1937, Virginia 1940, Marvin 1946 & Jack 1947)
N Marvin G. Kuhn (brother of Robert 1935, Olive 1937, Virginia 1940, Joseph 1946 & Jack 1947
N Lucile Langford (m Allen Fry 1947)
TP Dick Leisinger (m Laura Ferguson 1948)
CD Doris Oligee (m Edwin Cooper)
William Ossege
TP *Vivian Schott (m Ed Beiser ) d August 3, 1994
8 Mile Virginia Seig (m Russell Bartels, brother of Hazel & Loretta) (sister of Gloria [Jean] 1947 & Mary 1949)
CD Ray Singleton? (not in Year Book) (see William 1942)
N Bill Taylor
Lois Slone (m Hatfield)
TP Lois Tingley (m Dixon) (sister of Robert 1937, Frank 1940 & Eugene 1942) (cousins of Beekleys) 429 Elm
N Marjorie Tucker (m Bloomfield)
TP Oliver West
N Betty Willaims (m Calvin)
1947 TP Virginia Allison (m Ingling)
TP William Barnett (m Lucy) (brother of Ginsel 1950 & Ruth 1951) 610 Yale
N Jack Bickett
N Richard Black
N Richard Clark
Mi Helen Close (m Edmon Hall) (sister of Caroline 1949)
TP *Anne Critchell (m Gladwill) (sister of Robert 1947) 616 Yale
TP Robert A. Critchell (brother of Anne 1947. Children of Robert, architect) 616 Yale
N *Robert “Bob” Cross (Brother of *William 1946, Dorothy 1948 and *Ray 1951)
TP Price Daw (m Vida) (505 Miami)
N Jim Donley (m Arlene E.)
N Marian Evans (m Rieke)
N Paul Fite
N Arthur Fix (brother of Bernice 1945, Jerome 1946, Audrey 1949 & JoAnn 1950)
N Charles Frazee
N Allen Fry (m Lucille Langford 1946)
TP Bill Funke (m Patricia) (m Katherine Stoehr 1st?) 722 Wooster Pike
CD *Margaret Greene (m Charles Rahn 1944)
N Ellen Heis (m Goertemoeller)
N Violet Hill (m Jerry Benedict)
N Steve Justice
TP Esther Kneisley (m Arn) (sister of Geraldine 1937? & Joanne 1948?) 500 Marietta
N Jack C. Kuhn (brother of Robert 1935, Olive 1937, Virginia 1940 and Joseph & Marvin 1946)
TP *Galen Kuntz (TP Tavern family) (sister Claire 1938)
N Nancy McCormick (m Bill Cassidy)
TP Dennis McKee (brother of Hugh 1948 & Harriet 1950; half brother of Sally 1939 & John 1941 - same father, different mother) 214 Harvard
TP Evelyn Miller (m William Noakes, Funeral Home) (sister of William 1934, Donald 1938 & Harold 1944) (Schoolhouse Restaurant) 731 Park
TP Dale Miller (brother of Stanley 1949) 714-1 Miami
N *Betty Osterholtz (m Bloomfield)
TP Marty Radcliffe (m Glaser) (sister of Mary 1949) 800 Park?
8 Mile Gloria (Jean) Seig (m J. Kirry) (sister of Virginia 1946 & Mary 1949) (367-9643)
N Jean Smart (sister of Alfred 1941 & Rosemary 1944?)
N *Shirley Stevens (m Hahnert)
N Dottie Tarvin (m Gaskins)
TP Lee Stegemeyer 903 Elm
TP Don Stephens (m Marilyn)
TP *Jim Stoehr (brother of Katherine 1943) (went away to school)
N James Strong
TP Robert Vogt (brother of Marian 1950)
N Betty Walter (m Evans)
N *Betty Whitaker (m Homer)
1948 IH Donald Aicholz M. D.
N Suzanne Alt (m Leslie Moermond 1948)
N Joyce Aszman (m Geiger)
N Alice Binder (m Walker)
TP Richard Beebe 706 Myrtle
N Mabel “Peggy” Bristol (m V. Ward)
TP Jack Caliguri (m Judi)
TP William Carr 607 Yale
TP Kathryn Cast (m Orthman) 729 Park?
N Catherine Chaney (m Malott)
N Dorothy Cross (m M. Black) (sister of *William 1946, *Bob 1947 & *Ray 1951)
TP Laura Ferguson (m Dick J. Leisinger 1946) (sister of Robert 1940 & Lee 1942) 312 Rugby?
N Mary Freeman (m Holland)
N Glenn Fritch
N *Delmar Gabbard
N Joan Garside (m Kugler)
N Phillis Hammon (m Bland)
N Norma Hayes (m Broerman)
TP Bart Hebble 717 Lexington?
N Jeanette Henderson (m Robinson)
N Fred Humphries (brother of Jack 1946)
N Olive Jameso
TP Joanne Kneisley (m Cutter) (sister of Geraldine 1937 & Esther 1947) 500 Marietta
TP Hugh B. McKee (brother of Dennis 1947 & Harriet 1950; half brother of Sally 1939 & John 1941 - same father, different mother) 214 Harvard
N Leslie Moermond (m Suzanne Alt 1948)
N *Waneda Nolin (m Curee)
N Viola O’Dell (m Keller)
N Janet Osterholz (m Stone)
Miamiville or CD Gloria Quinn (m Drusell)
N *Jack Ricker
N Carol Romohr (m Taylor)
TP *Nancy Roose (sister of Penny 1951 & Sally 1956) 912 Princeton?
N Tom Scales
N Clarine Schwartz (m Hill)
TP Garth Semple (m Sue) (brother of Harry 1950) 614 Home
CD Harley Singleton (see William 1942)
N Philip Sticksel (m Ann)
TP *Ronald Sullivan 507 Amherst?
IH? Nancy Taylor (m Stix) (sister of Clarence 1951, Carl 1953, Bob 1956 & Betty 1957)
TP JoAnn Thomas (m Kingsley) 429 Elm?
N Norma Trompter (m Link)
N Gayle H. Vice
N Robert Walker
N Iris Wayt (m Claude Phillips)
N Beulah Ward (m William Bloomfield)
N Phillis Ward (m Jack Clemons)
N Henry Wedig M. D.
TP Richard “Dick” West (brother of Katherine 1933, Elizabeth 1936 & David 1940) 203 Marietta
N Fred “Fritz” White (sculptor)
N Caryl Whitley (m M Walker)
N Richard Zink (m Rosemary) (sister Nancy 1957)
1949 N William Barber
TP Bruce Becker 300 Rugby
TP Elroy Bourgraf (brother of George 1941) 628 Myrtle?
N Bob Bowen
N Gloria Bronniman (m Waits)
TP Frank Brunner (brother of Betty 1941 & Gene 1944) 407 Elm
IH *Jerusha “Jerry” Busken (m Robert Neff) (sister of Joseph 1946 & Linda 1956)
TP James L. Chapman III (brother of Nancy 1951 & Sally 1953) (614 Floral)
Tower Hill Margaret Clennin (m Chasson) (sister of Ruth 1946, Lois 1956 & Dorothy)
Mi *Caroline Close (m Scroepp) (sister of Helen 1947)
N Mary Coates (m L. Hunter)
N Marjorie Collins (m Ertel)
N William Curee
TP Evelyn Dixon (m Present) 806 Miami?
TP Flach Douglas (Choate grad) 628 Lexington
N Ted Dres
N & TP Jean Dunham (m Meyer)
N Philip Dutlinger (m Lois)
N Patricia Fisher (m Kelley) (sister of Marie 1934, Mary Charlotte 1941, Robert 1943 & Ruby 1951)
N Robert L. Fite (m Dyann) (brother of Dick 1953)
N Shirley Fitzwater (m Huesman)
N Audrey Fix (m Carl Sedacca) (sister of Bernice 1945, Jerome 1946, Arthur 1947, & JoAnn 1950)
TP Joan Haskins (m Sexton) (603 Marietta?)
TP Thomas Hebble (717 Lexington?)
CD Glenn Howell (brother of Earl 1944)
N Robert Itin
N Annette Johnson (m Carr)
TP Jean Johnson (m Conroy)
TP *Jack Jordan (brother of Steve 1950 & Marianne 1956) 501 Miami
N Bill Justice
TP Mary Kahle (m Edwin Jordan)
TP *Bob Kramer
IH *Bill Krummert (brother of Bob 1949, Norma 1952 &* Joyce 1957)
IH Bob Krummert (brother of Bill 1949, Norma 1952 & *Joyce 1957) (a year older than Bill. Non-grad.
Quit and went to Korea with the military)
N Joan Ludlow (m Lawrence)
TP Nancy Lynch (m Hassell)
TP Elizabeth A. Martin (Withrow grad)
TP Stanley Miller (brother of Dale 1947) 714 Miami
N Doris Money (m George Griffin)
N Pat Moorman (m Olberding) 805 Park
N Irene Morris (m Harding)
N Marilyn Myers (m Cook)
N June Newman (m Waits)
TP Mary Radcliff (m Bahner) (sister of Marty 1947) Floral rather than 800 Park?
C Mary Rahn (m Jordan)
IH Ann Rathkamp (m Barnhart)
TP Mary Lou Rawnsley (m L Eycke) (sister of Virginia 1950 & David 1951)
N Nicholas Reinhardt
N Bertie Rippstein (m Trester)
TP Vernon Schott
2795 Eight Mile Mary Seig (m Harris) (sister of Virginia 1946 & Gloria [Jean] 1947)
N Gerry Shanabrook (m Byrd)
CD Raymond E. Singleton (not in Year Book) (see William 1942)
TP June Sommer (m Easley)
TP Dale Sontag (m Johnson) (sister of Dorothy & Richard 1951)
TP Lois Stephens (m Borders)
N Sally Spees (m Ken Shepard)
N Lois Spresser (m Star) (sister of Alice 1932 & Roberta 1940)
N Dale Trout
N *Sylvia Vespie (m West)
TP Marie Vilardo (m McClay) (sister of Ralph 1949 & Louise 1955) 415 Washington
TP Ralph Vilardo (m Mary) (brother of Marie 1949 & Louise 1955) 415 Washington
N Margie Waits (m Spencer)
N Ann Walters (m Apgar)
N George Walters (m Pat)
N Carla Anne Weghorst (m Carl Fetters)
N Earl Williams
N Margaret Williamson (m Laughlin)
1950 N Janice Allen (m Ed Doherty)
N Marilyn Baker (m John Herbert) 271-1896 (brother Jim 561-9714)
TP Irvin Barber (m Melva)
TP Ginsel Barnett m George Haverstick) (sister of William 1947 & Ruth 1951) 610 Yale
N Nancy Binder (m Jackson)
TP Bonnie Bowersock (m George Widmeyer 1950) 414 Cornell
TP Linda Cady (m Warren Weicher 300 Rugby
TP Ben Castleman (m Nancy)
TP Charles Daugherty
N JoAnn Fix (m *Jack Breslin) (sister of Bernice 1946, Jerome 1946, Arthur 1947 & Audrey 1949)
N William Freeman
TP Hazel Gilbert (m Paul)
N Luther Hall Jr.
N Thomas Hammon (m Barbara)
N Don Havens (m Jackie) (brother of Mary 1951, Sue 1952 & Phyllis 1955)
TP Don Hughes (m Audre Worz 1952)
N Jim Itin (m Joan)
TP Steve Jordan (brother of Jack 1949 & Marianne 1956) 501 Miami
TP *Jack Kircher (brother of Judy 1956 & sister) 716 Park
N Edgar Kirby (m Joanne) (brother of Juanita 1946)
N Mary McCollum (m Charles L. Marker)
N Kenneth McCoy (m Jeanne)
TP Harriet McKee (sister of Hugh 1948 & Dennis 1947; half sister of John 1941 & Sally 1949 - same father, different mother)
214 Harvard
M Mary Miller (m Ted J. Rama)
N Jane Murphy (m Baker Everett)
TP Virginia Rawnsley (m *Bill Fenton) (sister of Mary Lou 1949 & David 1951) 717 Wooster Pike
N Mary Scales (m Schoner)
TP Harry Semple (m Ruby) (brother of Garth 1948) 614 Home
TP Bill Siegel (brother of Richard 1952) 615 Home?
N Bruce Smith (m Barbara)
TP Bob Stewart 610 Lexington
IH Pat Streeter (Iuen Farm house)
N Becky Swisher (sister of Elizabeth 1932, Emily1936, Jack 1937 & Lois 1941) (0r did she graduate in 1951?)
TP Alice Terwillegar (m Ison) 733 Elm
TP Marian Vogt (m Donald Savage) (sister of Robert 1947) 910 Princeton
Near Mt. Washington. Judy Weatley (m Werner Schmalfuss)
TP *Arlene Werner (sister of Dick 1955) 808 Lexington
N Delores Whitaker (m Ladrigan)
TP Lee T. White
N *Millard White
N George Widmeyer (m Bonnie Bowersock 1950)
N June Young (m Rudy Zagar)
1951 Shirley Adkins (m Neidich)
N *Betty Allen (m Wymer)
N *Jesse Applegate
N Albert Argo
TP *Ruth Barnett (m Davidson) (sister of William 1947 & Ginsel 1950) 610 Yale
N Barbara Beets (m Hardoerfer)
N Gary Bowen Jr.
N Elizabeth Bristle (m Willis Robinson 1950)
TP *Diane Cady (m Mankins)
N Betty Chandler (m Estes)
TP Nancy Chapman (sister of James 1949 & Sally 1953) 614 Floral
TP Gayle Crawford (m Bicknell) 611 Floral
TP Steve Critchell (non grad) 909 Stanton?
N *Hoyt Ray Cross (brother of *William 1946, *Bob 1947 & Dorothy 1948)
CD Rolf Dority (Rolph died 26 Feb 2007)(brother of Dorothy 1945, Carolyn 1946 &
Robert 1952)
N Ruby Fisher (m Arnold) (sister of Marie1934, Mary Charlotte 1941, Robert 1943, Patricia 1949)
N Mary Gibson (m Crawford)
TP Ronald Halbauer (brother of Pat 1956) 628 Myrtle
N Carolyn Hammon (m Valdean Morris)
N Molly Hardman (m Eugene Heimlich)
N Mary Havens (m J. Oury) (sister of Don 1950, Sue 1952 & Phyllis 1955)
TP Mary Hebble (m Anderson) 717 Lexington
Virginia Hines (m Spainhour)
N Thomas Humphries
N Freda Litton (m McMillion)
N Addie Martin (m Thomas Seekamp)
N Thelma McCollum (m Blice)
TP Dot McConnell (m Klepp) 606 Floral?
N Richard Masseman
N Joyce Money (m Chance)
N Valdean Morris (m Carolyn Hammon
N Elizabeth Philhower (m Cole)
IH Bill Purvis (m N Marion Jean Taylor) (brother of Faye 1953)
N Lois Ratliff (m Mascio)
N Bill Ratliff
N Russell Ratterman
TP *David Rawnsley m Bernie) d April 3, 2002 (brother of Mary Lou 1949 & Virginia 1950) 717 Wooster
N Jay Riegal (m Dottie)
N Willis Robinson (m Elizabeth Bristle 1950)
TP *Penny Roose (m Schmitter) (sister of Nancy 1948 & Sally 1956) 912 Princeton?
N Richard L. Smith (1952?)
TP Bill Sommers (m Shirley) 308 Marietta
TP Richard Sontag (brother of Dorothy & Dale 1949) 611 Myrtle
TP Louis Strauss
Becky Swisher (m Jim Decatur) (1950 or 51?)
IH? Clarence Taylor (brother of Nancy 1948, Carl 1953, Bob 1956 & Betty 1957)
N Mary VanCamp (m J. Curless)
CD Dorothy Wells (m McQuitty)
CD Robert Werner
IH Paul White
Tower Hill Peggy Williams (m Bohl)
N Jane Williamson (m Decatur)
TP Norman Wright (715 Lexington?)
1952 Dick Albers (m Norma Krummert 1952)
N *Donald Alt
N Susanne Arnett
TP Thomas Baker 407 Amherst?
TP *Dawn Bredemeyer
N Gertrude Bronniman
N Milton Car
TP Guil Clopton (736 Wooster?)
YMCA Rd Delores Collins (m Ed Little)
CD *Robert Dority (died 25 Feb 2008) (brother of Dorothy 1945, Carolyn 1946 & Rolph 1951)
CD Catherine Greene (m Bob Buroughs)
N Sue Havens (m Oury) (sister of Don 1950, Mary 1951 & Phyllis 1955)
CD W. E. Hillard
N Clarence W. Johnson (m Janice)
IH Norma Krummert (m Dick Albers 1952) (sister of Bob 1949, Bill 1949 & *Joyce 1957)
N Laney Litton
Mt Carmel Ruth McGraw (m Johnson)
TP Robert Patrick 817Floral?
N *Clarence Plank (brother of Peter 1953)
Tower Hill Joanne Rice
YMCA Rd *Shirley Scales
TP William Schulz (315 Terrace Place) (brother of Robert 1955)
TP Richard Siegel (brother of Bill 1950) 615 Home?
TP* Shirley Stoecklin (m Bingham) (sister of Carol 1956) 816 Miami
N Helen Thompson
N *Joyce Vogel
N Arthur L. Tumbleson (m Janice) (brother of Marilyn 1957)
TP Audre Worz (m Don Hughes 1950) 315 Miami?
1953 Tower Hill Alice Allen (m Hosstetter)
IH Chester Augspurger (m Sally Chapman 1953) (brother of Joy 1954)
N Robert L. Barber
Tower Hill Minnie Brewer
N Ida Castor (m Bickel)
TP Sally Chapman (m Chester Augspurger 1953) (sister of James 1949 & Nancy 1951) 614 Floral
CD John Coates
N Mark Cottings
CD Donald W. Curless (m Marlene Wallace 1953)
N Richard Fite (brother of Robert 1949)
TP Jane Gingrich (m Miller) 303 Marietta
N Robert Harmon
Tower Hill Gerald Hatto (l?)
TP Eugene Lloyd Herrmann (m Kaye) (615 Myrtle)
IH Patricia Hughes (m Mulloy)
N Thomas Itin (m Shirley) Cornell 1957 where he used his Terrace Park football skills
to play for Cornell. Address in 2007 Orchard Lake MI
TP Guy Kocar
TP Ronnie Kuyper
Owensville Harry A. Lockwood
N Richard Mathis
N JoAnn McCollum (m Bauman)
Miami Grove Clara McGee (m Spatheh)
TP Jack McMullen (Wooster Pike?)
N Gayle Obermeyer (m Massmann)
IH Ronnie Parks (brother)
N Robert H. Perrine
N Peter P. Plank (brother of Clarence 1952).
IH Faye Purvis (m N Richard Paul Taylor) (sister of Bill 1951)
N Paul Reinhardt (m May)
Miami Grove Betty Rippstein
N Gene Robinson
N Corine Robinson (m Richard Schlecty)
N Norman Rummel (non grad - worked at TP store)
IH? Carl Taylor (brother of Nancy 1948, Clarence 1951, Bob 1956 & Betty 1957)
N Genevieve Thornberry (m Jim Wallace)
N Janna Thornberry (m Charles Bauer)
N Jerry L. Tucker
N Marlene Wallace (m Donald Curless 1953)
N Nancy Williamson (m McClure)
1954 IH Joy Augspurger (m Kellogg) (sister of Chester 1953)
TP *Shirley Baldwin (307 Miami) (Allen Baldwin’s daughter – Wanoka Woods area?)
TP Bob Bibens (203 Oxford)
TP Bill Byars (606 Home)
Tower Hill Dorothy Clennin (m Hampton)
TP or IH James H. Conklin (g?)
N Shirley Donaldson (m O.,Davis)
Mt Carmel John Fielman
N Mary Lou Floro (m Thurman “Sonny” Martin 1955)
TP John A. Gehrig 619 Miami
N Glenda Gilbert (m Kiser)
N John O. Harmon
N Gerald Harvey
N Dorothy Howell (m Jay Riedel)
N Dorothy Hubbard (m Guy M. Buttree)
TP Stewart H. Hussey (710 or 14 Floral?)
N Juanita Kreig (m Bedinghous)
N Bruce R. McClure
Tower Hill Jerry I. Menchofer (brother of James 1957) (grew up in Wooster Pike house)
TP *Nancee Jo Miller (Robinson Circus House – 1 Circus Place)
TP Ronald Miller (Robinson Circus House. Brother of Nancee Jo [above], Melanie Kay,
Kathryn Matilda, & Melissa Ann)
Lawrence Morgan (drove from out in the country)
N *John Newman
TP Elizabeth “Betty” Pierson (m J. Bradley)
N John E. Scales (m Delores)
N *Estel “Sockie” Sexton
N Robert Stevens
N Ann Tiemeyer (m Gus E. Lewis)
Mt Carmel James A. Ward
N George White (m Dorothy)
N Richard D. Whitley
N *Louis Widmeyer
TP Frances Williams (m M. Smithson)
TP Jack Williams 209 Cambridge
1955 TP Mary K. Adams (sister of Anne 1957) 207 Marietta?
N Mary Allen
TP Joan L. Becker 300 Rugby
Milford Charles T. Boles
N John Bowen (m Betty Jean)
N John Bronniman (m Joy)
N Nola Cadwanader (m Dick Godfrey)
N Shirley Daily (m Slusher)
N Phyllis Havens (m William Woodaw) (sister of Don 1950, Mary 1951 & Sue 1952)
N Mary Hilton (m K. Engel)
TP Bruce Hummel (315 Harvard)
N Elmer “Bud” Johnson (m Eleanor)
TP Ted Kaiser (8592 Wooster Pike)
Miamiville Phyllis Kay (m Newman)
Thurman “Sonny” Martin (m Mary Lou Floro 1954)
Miamiville Jim Mossman (m Ann)
N JoAnn Neal
TP William O’Grady (m Karla F) (716 Floral?)
TP Anne Peterson (m Del Calzo) (sister of Mary 1957) 629 Myrtle
N Mabel Richardson
TP Jerry Robinson (m Pat) (403-1 Stanton)
N Doris Sammons (m LeRoy Morehouse)
TP Robert Schulz (m Wilma) (315 Terrace Place) (brother of William 1952)
N Patty Shaw
N Jerald B. Smart
N Wilma Spresser
TP *James Torrence (105 Sycamore)
TP Robert J. Town (Marilyn Whitley 1956) (402 Yale)
TP Louise Vilardo (m *Todd Rhein) (sister of Marie 1949 & Ralph 1949) 415 Washington
Mt Carmel Don E. Ward
N Carol Wellman
TP Dick Werner (brother of Arlene 1950) 808 Lexington
N Jocele Werth (m Wayne Cutright)
N Richard Wiley
N Kenneth Wood
1956 Joan Beets (m Woods)
N David A. Black
N Elaine Brandenburg (m Harry Frictch)
Sylvia Buder (m Lynam)
IH Linda Busken (m Jergens) (sister of Joseph 1946 & Jerusha 1949)
Tower Hill Lois Clennin (m Maier) (sister of Ruth 1946, Margaret 1949 & Dorothy)
N Mike Cottings
N Fern Cumby (m Wisby)
Francis Cumby (m Cesco)
N Mona Davis (m Carl Schmitt)
N Jeanine Dutlinger (m L. Niemeier)
TP *Shirley Firby (m Mittendorf) (710 Franklin)
N Walter Flach (m Pam)
TP Dick Godfrey
TP Pat Halbauer (m Michael Arnold) (sister of Ronald 1951) 628 Myrtle
Bob Haley
N Bob Hazelbaker
Judy Horstmeyer (m Sandy Preest)
N Connie Jerden
TP *Marianne Jordan (m Swan) (sister of Jack 1949 & Steve 1950) 501 Miami
TP Gwen Kennedy (m Smith) (sister of Paul & others) 616 Yale
TP Judy Kircher (sister of Jack 1950) 716 Park
TP David Kipp 606Yale?
TP David Kurtz 608 Myrtle
N Bob Lovins
N Bob Martin
N Nancy Massman (m Girton)
N Bertha McHugh (m Waits)
N Arlene Mead (m Brackett)
N Shelva Mitchell (m Norman)
Kay Morris
N Bill Murray
N Gene Napier
Nancy Noerr
N Charles Osterholz
TP Judy Ourand (m Joy)
N John Perrine
N Carol Philhower (m Bob Taylor 1956)
N Tom Plank
N *Todd Rhein (m Louise Vilardo 1955)
N Nancy Richey (m Plogman)
TP John Rockaway 823 Yale
TP Sally Roose (m Kellis) (sister of Nancy 1948 & Penny 1951) 912 Princeton?
(Dad moved to Princeton from Rugby?)
N Shirley Schneider (m Holland)
James Scott (m Darlene) (is this James Scott Worley???)
N Anna Lou Spurlock (m Thole)
TP*Carol Stoecklin (m *Bud Peterson) (sister of Shirley 1952) 816 Miami
N Bob Taylor (m Carol Philhower 1956)
N Jim Thornberry
TP David Todd
N Jim Tucker
N Marilyn Whitley (m Robert Town 1955)
N Mary Lou Wiley
N James Scott Worley
1957 TP Anne Adams (m Paul Jeschke) (sister of Mary K 1955) 207 Marietta?
*Barbara Adams
N Michael Arnold (m Pat)
N Bill Brackett
[N Wilma Burchard (m Harmon) (1959 Anderson)]
N Doris Butts (m J. Von Storch)
N Terry Cannon
N Jim Cooper (m Ruth Elaine)
N Robert E. Davidson (m Betty)
TP Shirley Diefendorf (m Bill Sommers)
N *Robert J. Fox
N Robert A. Johnson
IH *Joyce Krummert (m Joe Siddens) (sister of Bob 1949, Bill 1949 & Norma 1952)
Anderson Audrey Lee (m Strunk)
TP Thomas McDonald (200 Rugby & on Yale earlier - 800s)
Tower Hill James P. Menchofer (brother of Jerry 1954)(grew up in Wooster Pike house)
Blanchester Barry Mikelson
N *Donna Myers (m Knock)
N Gary W. Neal
N Adrian A. Patton (m Eladia)
TP Mary Peterson (m Tarleton) (sister of Anne 1955) 629 Myrtle
N Jane Quzts (m Longest)
TP Harry Rubenkoenig 607 Wooster, moved to 221 Miami
N Norma Scales (m Schweitzer)
N Carolyn Scott (m M. Fry)
TP *Dick Sparrow (m Kitty) (712 Lexington) (died 2005)
N Janet Spees (m Bill Marrott)
IH? Betty Taylor (m John J. Bowen) (sister of Nancy 1948, Clarence 1951, Carl 1953 & Bob 1956)
TP Doris Thompson (m Emde)
N Homer Thornberry
N *Ned Tiemeyer
N Marilyn Tumbleson (m Nick M Arnold) (sister of Arthur 1952)
N Ronnie VanHoose
N Judy Werth (m Robert Crider)
N Margaret Winters (m Don H. Burnes)
N Nancy Zink (m Lee C. Murrell) (brother Richard 1948).
CD = Camp Dennison
Co = Columbia Township
F = Fairfax
IH = Indian Hill
N = Newtown
P = Plainville
Ma = Mariemont
Mar = Marathon
Mi - Milford
RB = Red Bank
TP = Terrace Park
* = Deceased (others too but * are the ones we know)
1890 1 TP Mary Highland(s) (or 1895?)
1891 1 Blanche Howe
(Also from program Charles N. Elliot)
1893 George McClume J. W. Slpey ? Supt?
Howard Elliot W. H. Williams Teacher
(Blanche Howe or 1890 or 91?)
1894 3 George McClelland (Is Victor McClelland at 723 Park his son?)
Howard Elliot
Lou Connett
1895 Grace Crawford?
1897 2 Jennie Sederburg
George Longworth (certificate – no Latin)
1898 2 Laurie Simmons
Chester McClelland
1899 3 Ida Shumard (TP Historical Society has her diploma)
Edna McGeron (McGoren or McGoran) (m Barnes)
Evelyn (or Eva) K. Elliot (m. Stuntz)
1900 2 Ruth Turner (m Elliot)
Elizabeth Worz
1901 3 Ada Pauline Hendel (m Kingman)
Edna Alouise Worz
James Pe(a)rlee Bellville
1902 3 Kathryn S. Turner
Clara E. Williamson (m Lord)
Brent J. Cross
1903 4 Grace Bellville
Belle Gegner
TP Sidney Conkling (m Chapman) 615 Amherst
Roger Dayton
1904 1 CD Morris S. Walton
(Also from programs Samuel W. Lloyd, Charles A. Myers & C. V. Chesney)
1905 3 Francis (Fannie) R. Bellville
Annie (or Amy?) R. DeMar
TP Bertha Shumard (m Fletcher) (TP Historical Society has her diploma)
1906 2 TP Pearl Breiling (sister of Amy 1909 & Helen 1909) (m Christopher)
Laura Bellevue
(Alma Greene?)
(N Samuel Diehl?)
1907 3 Lida Beatrice McGoron
N Blanche Mabel Durham
N William Burton Ong
1908 1 Esa Turner
1909 5 TP Amy Breiling (sister of Pearl 1906 & Helen 1909)
TP Helen Breiling (sister of Pearl 1906 & Amy 1909) (m Fern)
Bertha Bellville
Elsie McChesney
Francis Gililand Henly (Hauley?)
1910 2 TP Rosina Cornelia Iuen (Virginia Marquette’s mother’s sister) (see story with
James Iuen & Anna Rosa Rimpler’s family genealogy – Chapter 8)
TP Herbert Worth Fillmore
1911 1 Henry Beiler
1912 2 Elbert Matthews
Joe Williams
1913 4 Louise Denneman (m. Fritz Huber) - Mary Louise [last graduates in that building]
Fred Iuen (1st cousin of Edith) - Frederick Joseph, brother of Margaret Iuen 1915: son & daughter of Joseph L. & Margaret Rimpler Iuen)
Edith Iuen (Virginia Marquette’s mother, m.Matt Cook) - Edith Elizabeth
Bessie Startsman (Dan Startsman’s aunt, m.Gardner Hart) - Elizabeth Marjorie
(TPHS has her graduation program)
1914 2 Mable Fillmore
Frances Williams
1915 3 TP Elsie Greer
Tower Hill Margaret Iuen (sister of Fred Iuen 1913)
TP Naomi Sommers (later ran Nursery School, corner of Marietta & Yale)
1916 5 Marie Drake
TP Marcia (or Marion?) Fry
Katie Keifer (Keefer?)
TP Lenora McMullen (see notes on 603 Wooster Pike by Virginia Marquette. Later lived on Washington.)
TP Anna Marie Morgan (or Moran?)
1923 6 (just 23 in the whole HS that year - Virginia Marquette has the school picture, given to her from Lillian M. Mintkenbaugh, 1924, shortly before she died)
Those in that picture are:
George Chapman
TP James Chapman (618 Yale)
Briget Cook
John Cosby
Albert Droesher
Cary Fite
Lawrence Gomien
TP Lawrence “Lefty” Grace (brother Leonard 1930 & sister Betty 1935) 202 Harvard
Dorothy Hudson
TP Evelyn Iuen (went to Milford after sophomore year. TP wouldn’t let her Graduate in 3 years as she wished.
Graduated from Milford in 1 more year)
TP Helen Iuen (Dick to Milford – sent to FL)
Elsa Kramer
TP Mary Catherine Lloyd
TP Phoebe Lloyd
Rose McGoron
TP Caroline Meurer 731 Miami
Ruth Meyers
Lillie Minkenbaugh
Charles Sederberg
Frank Tarvin
1924 4 TP Albert Elmer Droescher (m Marie) 823 Wooster Pike
TP Phoebe Edwards Lloyd
TP Caroline Emma Meurer 731 & 801 Miami
Lillian M. Mintkenbaugh
Terrace Park Schoolmates but not necessarily graduates
1927 *Branch Hill Don Cook (“the Bee Man” 731 Miami) (d Feb 2002) (His mother taught at
TPHS so they came on the train together)
TP *Harold Herrmann (742 Wooster & 615 Myrtle) (d 1996)
1928 TP Allen Lloyd
Elizabeth Matson (m Robert Carver)
Robert D. Carver (m Elizabeth Matson)
Lincoln Hurst (m June)
Eugene Philhower
1929 Teddy Bye
Catherine Carmell
Dick Carson
TP Dave or Bill Fenton
Lewis Gill
Peggy Houghton (sister of Elizabeth “Peggy” 1930, Ruben 1938 & James 1941?)
Kimball (f) (sister of Ruth 1930)
Catherine Link
Elizabeth Matson
TP Dorothy McGee (had brother & lived on Miami)
Herb Stille
Bessie Thomas
Dorothea Thomsen
Elizabeth Williams
N John Wilson (later principal of TPHS and County Superintendent)
1930 Clarence “Harry” Cunningham (m Elizabeth) (in picture below)
N *Lawrence Daily (m Elizabeth Swisher 1932) (brother of Charles 1932) (in picture)
Butterworth *Nancy Foster (m Louis Neuman) died 2003 (Butterworth Farm - part of the Underground Railroad - Quakers. Brothers Thomas 1932 & Gordon 1935. See article in Terrace Park High School & in obituary file) (in picture)
TP *Elizabeth “Peggy” Houghton (brothers Ruben 1938 & Jim 1941 quit school to go to work) (not in pictures)
Ruth Kimball (m Batsche) (sister in 1929) (in picture)
TP *Daniel Startsman (m Kath) (in picture)
Howard Thomas (in picture)
Additions from a large framed picture of the class of 1930.
Clarence Clark
Marcella Dean
TP (James) Leonard Grace (brother “Lefty” 1923 & sister Betty 1935) 202 Harvard
Butch Graff
Donald Hauke
Helen Hill
Marion Hurst
Bob Klettner
` Louis Macht (in 1931 annual)
Dorothy Mattox
TP Dorothy McGee
Martha Runyon
Bob Scalon
Bessie Thomas
1931 List from Yearbook with one not included
F Edna Balash
N Clara Mae Bridges
TP Joseph Carew Jesse Jameson?
Mi Mildred Carson
N Mary Thompson Clopton
TP John Russell Errett
CD Minnie Ferguson (sister of Harriett 1932, Florence 1936 & Geneva 1937)
TP Charles Harrison Fitzwilson Jr (brother of Robert 1933)
N Howard Friedrich
RB *Wexford Dennis Jones
P *Jesse William Jordan
TP William T. Lloyd
F Vermorgan Lucus (m Zeigler)
IH Louis Macht
N Gladys McBeth
M Roland Stevenson
Mar Mary E. Treadway
F Wendell W. Wyatt
N Ollie Young (m Shaw)
1932 N *Katherine Black (m Young)
P *Alice Brock (m O’Brien)
IH *Irene Chalfonte (m Lawrence Wehrung 1932) (sister of * Dorothy 1935, *Hilda 1937 & Jasper 1942)
TP *Jack Christopher (brother of Helen 1933) (215 Oxford)
F Francis Coy
N Charles Daily (m Emily Swisher 1936) (brother of Lawrence 1930)
CD Albert Edwards
CD Harriet Ferguson (m Walker) (sister of Minnie 1931, Florence 1936 & Geneva 1937)
Butterworth *Thomas Foster (brother of Nancy 1930 & Gordon 1935) [see note re Foster family at TPHS High School]
F *Albert Hartzel
N Leonard Heis (brother of Verna 1932 & Forest 1935)
N Verna Rosala Heis (m Cahall) (sister of Leonard 1932 & Forest 1935)
F? Kermit Hill
Miamiville *Ruth E. Holloway (m Brower)
TP Luella Innis (m Carver) (sister Mary 1934)
Ma Gwendolyn Laser
N Dorothy Jane Leever (m Flaherty)
P *Edna Lemon (m Watkins)
IH Edna Macht (m Bisher) (sister of Louis 1931)
P William Marr
Ma Alma Massingill
Bethel Clyde Mattox (brother Ralph 1938)
TP *William McCammon
Ma David McDaniel
TP Robert Patterson (brother of “Bill” 1932)
TP William Patterson (brother of “Bob” 1932)
N William Raidt
Ma Otto Salsbery
Ma Etta Jane Schwemberger
N *Alice Spresser (m Mathis) (sister of Roberta 1940 & Lois 1949)
N Elizabeth Swisher (m Lawrence Daily 1930) (sister of Emily 1936, Jack 1937, *Lois 1941 & Becky 1950/51)
Ma John Tatman
TP *Sara Frances Thomas (m Birdo Marsh)
F Hilda Grace “Helen” Vanderbeek (m Greathouse) (sister of Robert)
TP Mary Catherine Van Frank (m C. Wall) (sister of Robert 1937)
N Ruth Vetter (m Brockamp)
TP Emily May Wayman (m Miskell)
M Ethel Webb (m Daniels) (sister of Marie 1935)
TP Lawrence Wehrung (m *Irene Chalfonte 1932)
N Mildred Williams (m Schneider)
Ma Hilda Thomsen??? (not in Year Book – 1933?)
1933 N Calvin Bainum
TP Helen Christopher (m Barnett) (sister of Jack 1932) (215 Oxford)
Ma Donald Conover
TP *Virgil Fender (m *Rosemary Maerki 1937) (sister of Betty [m *Halvorson] 1941 Plainville grad)
F Leota Harmon (sister of Irvin & twins Roger & Alfred, all 1936)
N Anna Mae Herr (m Larry M. Bickel)
N Mary Louise Herr (m William McDonald)
Ma Burton H. Kelley (m Betty Palmer – d 1986) d 1977
TP (733 Elm) Florence Klettner (m Vestring) (sister of Ruth 1934 & Leroy 1936)
Mi Chester Preston
TP (Given Road) Clarence Weaver
TP Katherine West (m McComb) (203 Marietta) (sister of Elizabeth 1936, David
1940 & Richard “Dick”1948)
*Walter Wood
Others in Junior Class 1932 (don’t know if they graduated in 1933)
N Marjorie Black
Richard Bowen
Ma John Carver 1934?
Eleanor Davis
TP Lucy Ellett
TP Catherine Errett
TP Robert Fitzwillson (brother of Charles 1931)
CD Elsie Frazier (sister of Bessie 1937)
Ma Neva Graham
TP Harriett Holliday
TP Robert Huddleston (brother of Charles 1939)
Herbert Jones
F Ira Kincaid
Ruth Kuntz
IH Rd Muriel Judd
Ma Stuart Postle
TP Gordon Richards (Wooster Pike?)
IH Rd Helen Shilts
Ma Helen Thomsen
N Robert Waits (brother or Thomas 1934)
TP or IH Mary Jane Weaver (on Given)
Ma Virginia Wickerham
1934 N Larry Bickel (m Anna Mae)
N Delbert Burger (brother of Evelyn 1936. Burger Farm family)
N *Robert Carpenter
Ma John Carver (1933?)
TP James M. Chapman (m Betty)
Wilber Craycraft
TP *Lida B. Eveland
TP Earl Ferguson (brother of Robert 1940, Lee 1942 & Laura 1948???)
*Marie Fisher (sister of Mary Charlotte 1941, Robert 1943, Patricia 1949 & Ruby 1951?)
TP Huston Ford
N *John Huheey
N George Ingram (brother of Frances 1935)
TP Mary Innis (m L. Barnes) (sister of Luella 1932)
TP (733 Elm) Ruth Klettner (m Vestring) (sister of Florence 1933 & Leroy 1936)
N *Eugene Leming
N Beatrice Masters (m Frank Siegel)
Mary Mayer (m F. Curtis)
TP *William Miller (brother of Donald 1938, Harold 1944 & Evelyn 1947) d 4/17/2000
(Family still owns Schoolhouse Restaurant) 731 Park
N *Earl Rutherford (brother of William 1938?)
N Louis Sanderfer
N *Thomas Waits (brother of Robert 1933)
N *Melin Walker
*Charles Watkins
TP Dorothy Wayman (m Perry)
1935 TP Betty Alexander (m Startsman)
N *Ethel Badgley (m Wendell)
TP Col. Sam D. Berman
TP & Ma *Mack H. Booze (brother of *Dick 1937, Kathryn 1938 & Roger 1941)
(Parents divorced. Father rented 625 Elm. Mother lived in Mariemont.)
N *Arthur Boyles
CD Thelma Caldwell (m Davis)
IH *Dorothy Chalfonte (sister of *Irene 1932,* Hilda 1937 & Jasper 1942)
F Gayle Cox
N Robert Davis
Butterworth Gordon Foster (sister Nancy 1930, brother Thomas 1932)
TP Betty Grace (brothers “Lefty” 1923 & Leonard 1930) (202 Harvard)
N *Forest Heis (brother of Leonard 1932 & Verna 1932)
P Ruth Henize (m Clifford Brooks)
P Wilson Henize (m Stella Prosch 1939)
N *Ruth Howcraft
N Frances Ingram (m Smith) (sister of George 1934)
N Robert C. Kuhn (brother of Olive 1937, Virginia 1940, Joseph & Marvin 1946, & Jack 1947)
N Vera Burger (m Ellsworth Lang)
N *Lucille Leming (m Forrest Bainum) (sister of Bob 1936)
N Arlene McCoy (m Cole)
Howard Little
N Paul Muhlberger (brother of Dora 1940, Gregory 1943 & Dan 1945)
N Lavenna Robinson (m Flasch)
N Charles Shaw (m Marilyn) (brother of David 1939 & Dick 1941)
N *Howard Shockey d June 1992
N Donald L. Smith d January 26, 2007.
TP Guy A. Startsman Jr. (brother of Shirley 1937)
N Norvan Walker
Ma Marie Webb (m Richard Lindall) (sister of Ethel 1932)
N Evelyn Wolke
N Jeanette Young (m Kain)
1936 F *Stephen Anglin
P *Frank E. Bowsher (TPHS has his diploma & graduation invitation [TP School book]) (music teacher)
(more information to come from daughter in 2004)
N Evelyn Burger (m Zeller) (Sister of Delbert 1934. Burger Farm family on Rt.32. Related to Fille & Iuen families)
N Clarence Clark (m Lois Davis 1936)
N Lois Davis (m Clarence Clark 1936)
CD Louis Doty
TP *Miles F. Eveland
CD Florence Ferguson (sister of Minnie 1931, Harriet 1932 & Geneva 1937)
N Rosida Friedrich (m Schneider)
TP *John L. Galloway (brother of Henry 1940)
F William Goddard
TP *Howard Grischy (brother of Carolyn 1942)
TP Serena W. Halfhill
TP Dorothy M. Halvorson (sister of Jack 1940)
F Alfred Harmon (in 1937 Annual)(twin of Roger) (3 brothers of Leota 1933)
F Irvin Harmon
F Roger Harmon (twin of Alfred)
*Clifford “Ben” Hewett d 1998
TP John C. Huggins
F Woodrow Hurst
TP Leroy Klettner (m Martha) (brother of Florence 1933 & Ruth 1934)
N *Robert Leming (m Rita Obermeyer)(brother of Lucille 1935)
Ruth Mayfield
N Alice I. Mikles (sister of Alvera 1936)
N Alvera G. Mikles (sister of Alice 1936)
F Donald R. Naish
N Harold Oberschlake
P *Louise Peters (m Eshman)
N Gladys Robinson (m Carl Lang)
TP *Simon Ross
F Robert Rutherford (brother of Orion 1937?)
TP *Deborah J. Startsman (m Stedron)(sister of Dan 1930) (Rented Cook house when first married)
N Emily Swisher (m Charles Daily 1932) (sister of Elizabeth 1932, Jack 1937, *Lois 1941 & Becky 1950/51)
(Swisher family ran a store in Newtown)
N William N. Walker
F Clyde J. Watson
TP Paul Weintritt (m Jo Ellen) (brother of Richard 1939)
N *Ronald F. Wentz (brother of Betty 1937, Janet 1939 & Doris 1942)
TP *Elizabeth West (sister of Katherine 1933, David 1940 & Richard “Dick” 1948)
Lucille Williams
N Ann Wilson
Eleanor M. Zaengle
Dorothy Zagoren
1937 Ma Faye Beeson (m *Robert Corey 1937)
TP *Richard R. Booze (brother of Mack 1935, Kathryn 1938 & Roger 1941) (625 Elm)
CD *Helen Caldwell (m Davis) d Jan 1992
N *Betty Carmichael (m Otis)
IH *Hilda Chalfonte (sister of Dorothy 1935 [m Rosenweig Milford store family], Irene 1932 & Jasper 1942 [m Jane Spence])
TP Philip A. Chapman (m Eleanor) (brother of Ted 1939)
TP *Robert Corey (m Faye Beeson 1937) (twin of John 1938)
P Irene Cox
N Clifford Leonard Crull (became a dentist)
Mary Ellen Dakin (m Benson)
Ma Irene Duckering (m Getz)
CD Geneva Ferguson (m Henry Bland Jr) (sister of Minnie 1931, Harriet 1932 & Florence 1936)
CD Bessie Frazier (m Richmond) (sister of Elsie 1933)
TP Mary Ann Gerton (sister of Lilliam 1942)
N Lester Guynn (m Margaret)
N *Rosella Heis (m John Kuehl 1937l)
F Bertha Henderson (m Baker)
Ralph Hotter
P *John Jordan
Ma Robert E. Kelley (m Louise Watts – d 1984) d 1965 (They had 3 children all of
whom graduated from Mariemont HS:
Robert W. Kelley 1961 (Maineville OH in 2007 – Cincinnati area)
Christina L. Kelley 1964 (Carmel IN in 2007 – Indianapolis area)
Patricia D Kelley 1972 (Winter Springs FL in 2007 – Orlando area)
Ma *Clara King (m Earl Stedtefeld 1937)
TP Geraldine Kneisley (sister of Esther 1947? & Joanne 1948?) 500 Marietta
John Kuehl (m *Rosella Heis 1937)
N Olive Kuhn (m Aicholz) (sister of Robert 1935, Virginia 1940, Joseph & Marvin 1946 & Jack 1947)
TP Louise Leaf (m Ralph Cooper) (brother Ike) (1005 Elm)
Ma or F *Rosemary Maerki (m Virgil Fender 1933) (sister of Betty 1941)
Florence Martin
Ma Marion Miller (m Starr)
Hilda O’Hara
Ma Russell W. Parks
F Marla Perkins (m Harold Wiedman)
TP *Janet Piper (m Puthoff)
P *Jane Riehle (m Butterbaugh) (sister of Betty, Plainville 1941)
CD Matilda Robinson (m Cook)
F Orion Rutherford (brother of Robert 1936?) (perhaps more in family?)
TP Agnes Schmidt (m Gauche) (older three are Elizabeth, Marie [worked some in
Grocery store] and Joe, then Edward 1937, Agnes 1937, Charles 1940 &
Raymond 1942. The family leased the Iuen farm in Terrace Park [moved there in
1937] and lived in the old farmhouse on the corner of Indian Hill and Fieldstone)
TP *Edward Schmidt (brother of Agnes above)
TP Patty Sorenson (m Ackard) (sister of Jane 1938)
TP Shirley Startsman (m T. W. Selman) (sister of Guy 1935) (rented Cook house on Wooster when first married)
F *Earl Stadtefeld (m Clara King 1937)
TP *Robert Strathman [builder] (m Betty Brunner 1941) (brother of Arthur, Fred [plumber], Walter [builder], Roland 1938 [builder, non grad, wanted to be a professional baseball player], Mary 1938 & Ruth 1941 m Clayton)(Mary & Ruth only graduates)
N Jack Swisher (m *Violet Meier) (brother of Elizabeth 1932, Emily 1936, Lois 1941 & Becky 1950/51)
TP Robert “Bob” Tingley (brother of Frank 1940, Eugene 1942 & Lois 1946) 429 Elm (cousins of Beekleys)
N James Tuttle (m Marcella Baldwin 1938) (brother of Alma 1938)
TP *Robert Van Frank (m Margaret Schaeffer 1942) (brother of Mary Catherine 1932)
Richard Walker
N Betty Wentz (m Bill Bertsch) (sister of Ronald 1936, Janet 1939 & Doris 1942)
TP *John West
1938 N Marcella Baldwin (m James Tuttle 1937)
N Elaine Beets (m Warner)
N Carl Bickel
TP & Ma Kathryn Booze (m Sauer) (sister of Mack 1935, Dick 1937 & Roger 1941) 625 Elm
F Anna Brennecke (sister of William 1939)
N Cary Ann Carter (m Burton)
N Dale Caplinger
TP Elizabeth “Libby” Clancey (Private School grad) (sister of Harrison 1941) 306 Stanton
TP John Corey (twin of Robert 1937)
Ma Mary Crohurst
Ma Bob Dartt
TP Marion Davis (sister of Nina Claire 1941, John 1944 & brother - Gravelotte)
Ma *William Dokes
Ma Louise Durwald
TP Eliza Eveland (m Bruce Brown)
N Margaret Fike
William Howard Fite
F Allen Fledderman (m Betty)
CD Ellery Frankenberg
Ma Pat Gallagher (m Freyhof) (sister of Susan m Robert O’Hara 1939)
Ma Carlton Garlough
TP Peggy Gatch (m *Fred Gatch) (sister of Mary Con Gatch 1943) 504-1 Miami
P Charles Gauer
P Verona Graham
Ma Alvin Haines
F Joe Hartman
F *Laverne Hazenfield (m Hooper)
TP *Ruben Houghton (non grad) (brother of Elizabeth “Peggy” 1930, & James 1941)
Ma James Leue
Ma Jean Keown (m David) (only senior year) (sister of Millie 1939 & Grace 1941)
N James W. Kinley
IH William Klein (mother was cook for Albers family)
TP *Claire Kuntz (m M. Miller) (sister of Galen 1947)(TP Tavern & cabins family)
Ma Eleanor Leavitt
N Robert Leever
Ma Roberta Lewis (m Holmes)
N Catherine Masters (m Milton)
N *Burdett Mathis d July 9, 1996
Bethel Ralph Mattox (brother of Clyde 1932) (Father was Science teacher)
TP Ruby Meier (sister of Claire 1939 & boy) (moved to Brill Rd IH)
TP *Donald G. “Red” Miller (brother of William 1934, Harold 1944 & Evelyn 1947 - family still owns Schoolhouse Restaurant)
731 Park
Miamiville Charles Perry
Ma *Robert M. Peters
Ma *Jack Phelps
Miamiville *Beatrice Purdy (m Floyd Wiederhold 1938) d Nov 1999
N Frank B. Rolfes
Ma Juanita Rowe
N William Rutherford (Brother of Earl 1934?)
F *Francis Schaffner
F Lawrence Schlottman
TP *Dorothy Seed (m J. Boscovich or Rohrer?)
TP Jane Sorenson (m Barrett) (sister of Patty 1937)
TP *Mary Strathman (m Baxter) d 1998 (sister of Fred, Walter, Robert 1937, Roland 1938 & Ruth 1941)
TP *Roland Strathman (brother of Fred, Walter, Robert 1937, Mary 1938 & Ruth 1941)
F Betty Thompson
N Alma Tuttle (m Bierbaum) (sister of James 1937)
Ma *Jeanne VanPelt (m Fahnestock) (sister of John 1940)
P Frank Watkins
Ma Janice White (m Rehring)
Miamiville Floyd ”Bud” Wiederhold (m Beatrice Purdy 1938) (Iuen relative. See p 84 in Iuen book)
F Norman Yeager
1939 Ma Martha Alexander
Ma Andrew A. Beeson (m Norma) (Is he related to Faye 1937?)
F William Brennecke (brother of Anna 1938)
TP Florentine Buschmeier (m Lawrence Rumsey) (sister of Frank 1941 & Margaret 1945)
TP Ted Chapman (m Dee) (brother of Philip 1937)
IH *Edward Dalton (m Lucille) (Father was caretaker for L. B. Harrison property on Drake)
CD Willa Ferguson (m Leonard Hawkins) (more in family)
Ma Arty Fleishman
*Alberta Frankenberg (m Maurice Wagner)
IH Ted Gatchell
Ma Col. Edward S. Goepper
TP Charles Huddleston (brother of Robert 1933)
F Vivian Ille (m David Seig)
TP Mary Jacobs
Ma Mary Lou Jewett (m Harold Sparks)
N Carrie Emma Johnston (m Joseph E. Schultz) (sister of Kathren 1941 & Donna 1944)
Ma Millie Keown (m Donald Nielsen) (sister of Jean 1938 & Grace 1941)
IH William King (m Betti)
N *Aldon Kinney (m Margie)
Ma Ellen Klopp (m Charles Burroughs)
James Kruse
Ma Bess Lewis (m Storm)
Ma George E. Lewis Jr. (m Norma)
Ma Margaret Lewis (m Dale Kessler)
Ma William Lindeberg (m Jerri)
Betty Mayer (m Hilton Hummel)
TP *Sally McKee (m *Stewart Tarkington) (sister of John 1941; half sister of Dennis 1947, Hugh 1948 & Harriet 1950 - same father, different mother [1st wife died])
TP Claire Meier (m Keith Fowler) (sister of Ruby 1938 & brother) (moved to Brill Rd IH)
N Shirley Meier
TP Robert Mitchell (brother of Alice 1942)
F Walter Moore
TP Robert O’Hara (m *Ma Susan Gallagher) "Tea House” 435 Elm
Ma *Edwin Paulson (m Claire)
P Stella Prosch (m Wilson Henize 1935)
Ma Jean Sampson (m Howard Moore)
N Frances Schadle (m Allen Reed)
Joseph Schultz
Paul Scott
Ed Seibert
N David Shaw (brother of Charles 1935 & Dick 1941)
N Esther Smith (m Oswalt)
F George Stump (m Melva)
Ma *Carl Thomsen (m Alice Mitchell 1942. They lived at 622 Myrtle)
N Harry Tucker
N Janet Wentz (m Gilbert Unterseher) (sister of Ronald 1936, Betty 1937 & Doris 1942)
Katherine Wood
TP Richard C. Weintritt (brother of Paul 1936)
TP Suzanne Wisnewski (m John Magness)
N Virginia Woodmansee
1940 N *Charles Aicholtz
Ma Anne Alexander (m Marion Crouse)
F Evelyn Anglin (m Jack Roberts)
Ma Joy Arnette (m Edward Bierbaum)
N *Hazel Bartels (sister of Loretta 1944 & Russell)
F *Paul Bay
TP *Doris Beekley (m M. Minderman) (sister of Virginia 1945) (601 Wooster –
Beekley family there to take care of Boones. Their home was on Drake Road, IH) (cousins of Tingleys)
F Francis Bingham (m Lloyd Seal)
F Richard Blackburn (m Norma)
TP Earl L. Boland (m Barbara)
Ma Mary Boster (m Tom K. Miller 1940)
TP William Brown (m *Grace Flint 1940) 111 Terrace Place
N Marjorie Burger (m Kenneth Yockey)
N James W. Carter (m Miriam)
Ma Margaret (Peggy) Crenshaw (m Charles Close)
Ma *Harry Crohurst
P Charles Cutler (m Delores Dutton 1940)
F Charles Dumford (m Ruth)
F Delores Dutton (m Charles Cutler 1940)
N *Marilyn Elston (m *Robert Dietz)
TP *Robert Ferguson (brother of Lee 1942 & Laura 1948) 312 Rugby?
TP *Albert D. Flint (brother of Lois 1943) 609 Miami
TP *Grace Flint (m William Brown 1940) 407 Marietta (not a sister of Albert 1940 & Lois 1943 - may be cousins?)
TP Henry C. Galloway (m Joan) (brother of John 1936)
IH Dottie Gieske (m Elmer Moerschel)
F Ruby Hall (m *Louis Nickolin)
TP *Jack Halvorson (m Betty Maerki 1941) (brother of Dorothy 1936 & Rosemary 1937)
M *John “Hans” Hermanies (m *Dorothy)
IH James Hewett
F Ruth Hines (m *Robert Downing)
IH Jean Johnson (m Richard Shaw 1941) (sister of Roger 1943)
Ma William C. Kelley (m Audrey Johnson – still living in 2007) d 1993
Ma *Dorothy Knoeppel (m Sadler)
N Virginia Kuhn (m Robert Peet) (sister of Robert 1935, Olive 1937, Joseph & Marvin 1946, & Jack 1947)
Ma Mary MacCaa (m Dan A. Preger)
F *Ruth Menke (m A. Shelton)
*Tom Miller (m Mary Boster 1940)
N *Dora Muhlberger (m Calico) (sister of Paul 1935, Gregory 1943 & Dan 1945)
TP Frank Payne
Ma Phil R. Phelps Jr. (m Lois Louise Wyatt)
Miamiville or CD Mary Quale (m J. Davis) (sister of Shirley 1944, Robert & Tom?)
Ma Jack Ray
F Elinor Rea (m Joe Mullins)
TP *Perkie E. Ruck
TP Walter St. Clair (m Virginia)
F Louis R. Schanz (m Doris)
TP *Charles Schmidt (m Margaret Shively 1940) (see brother Edward 1937)
CD Margaret Shively (m Charles Schmidt 1940)
F Garnet Spaninger (m Lee Roy Chambers)
N Rolutta Spresser (m *William Camarata) (sister of Alice 1932 & Lois 1949)
TP Bette Stubbs (m Edward Rorke)
TP *Ruth “Ruby” Sullivan (m *Les Kelly) (sister of Alice 1943) d 2001 (sisters raised here by their aunt)
N Bill Taylor (m Norma Henderson 1946) (brother or Laura 1941, twins Dorothy & Donald 1941, 2 older boys - Charles & Stanley) (lived on Main Street, Newtown)
F Jean Thompson (m Homer Bauer)
TP Frank Tingley (brother of Robert 1937, Eugene 1942 & Lois 1946) (429 Elm) (cousins of Beekleys)
F Jane Tull (m *Jack Young)
Ma David L Uhling (m Jane)
Ma *John VanPelt (brother of Jeanne 1938)
Ma William W. Welch (m Patricia)
Paul Wentz
TP David West (m Evelyn) (brother of Katherine 1933, Elizabeth “Libby”1936 & Richard “Dick” 1948)
Ma *Stewart Wood (m 1st Doris Beekley. m 2nd Mirian )
1941 TP Roger Booze (brother of Mack 1935, Dick 1937 & Kathryn 1938)
TP George Bourgraf (brother of Elroy 1949) 628 Myrtle
N William Britton
P William R. Brown (Plainville grad)
TP Betty Brunner (m *Robert Strathman) (sister of Gene 1944 & Frank 1949) 407 Elm
TP Frank Buschmeier (m Elaine) (brother of Florentine 1939 & Margaret in 1945)
*Herbert Cassidy
TP Harrison Clancey (m Cora) (brother of Libby 1938) 306 Stanton
TP Samuel Cone (Mary Gerard 1942) (brother of Frank 1945)
TP Virginia Cook (m Paul Marquett) Wooster Pike
TP *Nina Davis (m C. Finney) (sister of Marian 1938 & John 1944) Gravelotte
TP Richard Everhart (m Betty)
N Mary Charlotte Fisher (m Young) (sister of Marie 1934, Robert 1943, Patricia 1949, & Ruby 1951) (Farmland in Newtown)
TP *Carol Forshee (m McAdor) 401 Stanton
TP *Dorothy Fullen (m Lloyd) (Sycamore – Father, Arthur, was chauffeur on IH)
(others in family – Ina, Margie, Betty & a boy)
CD *Mae Haney (m Mark Johnson) (Milford grad) (sister of Margaret 1944)
*N Jack Harvey
TP *James Houghton (non grad) (brother of Elizabeth “Peggy”1930 & Ruben 1938)
N Kathren “Katie” Johnston (m *Richard Carter) (sister of Donna 1944 & Carrie 1949)
Ma Russell Jordan (P grad)
N *Gladys Julifs (m Miller) (sister of Faye 1945)
CD Earl K. Kelch (Milford grad)
Ma *Grace Keown (m Gunkel) (sister of Jean 1938 & Millie 1939)
TP Mary Kipp (m Flynn & Sidenstick) 709 Myrtle
N Frank Klatte
N Wanda Martin (m Painer)
TP John McKee (brother of Sally 1939, half brother of Dennis 1947, Hugh 1948 & Harriet 1950 - same father, different mother)
Ma *Helen Miller (m Edward Hill 1945) (later music teacher at TP)
P *Betty Riehle (m Bob Patterson) (sister of Jane 1937) (Plainfield grad)
TP Juanita Sanford (m Leroy Coleman)(m Andrew Grande) (Father ran Service Station next to TP Tavern)
N *Richard Shaw (m Jean Johnson 1940) (brother of Charles 1935 David 1939)
N *Alfred Smart (brother of Jean 1947 & Rosemary 1944?)
N *Howard Smith
N Vivian Smith
TP Ruth Strathman (m Clayton) (sister of Arthur, Fred, Walter, Roland, Robert 1937, & Mary 1938)
N *Lois Swisher (m Red Eveland) (sister of Elizabeth 1932, Emily 1936, Jack 1937 & Becky 1950/51) (did Lois graduate?)
N Donald Taylor (brother of Bill 1940, Laura & Dorothy 1941)
N Dorothy Taylor (m Crow) (sister of Bill 1940, Laura & Donald 1941)
N Laura Taylor (m Brown) (sister of Bill 1940 & twins Dorothy & Donald 1941. Laura is a year older than the twins. Two older boys – Charles & Stanley)
Ma Helen Welch (m Hill)(Plainfield grad)
1942 CD Elva Anderson (m Harold Maphet)
N Marjorie Aszman (m Aldon Kinney)
Thomas Caldwell
N Donald Carter (m Launa Dres 1946)
IH Jasper”Jay” Chalfonte (brother of Irene 1932, Hilda 1937, & Dorothy1935
[m Rosenweig] (2005 - daughter Cindy Gougherty 527-4042)
CD John Cosby (brother of Susie 1944)
TP Lorna Critchell
TP Phyllis Duell
CD Earl Eltzroth
TP Lee F. Ferguson (brother of Robert 1940 & Laura 1948) (312 Rugby?)
TP Mary Gerard (m Sam Cone 1941)
TP Lillian Gerton (sister of Mary Ann 1937)
TP Carolyn Grischy (sister of Howard 1936)
TP Margaret Jones
N Dorothy Kelly
N *Wilma Kuntz (m Krenty)
TP Patty Lindell (Carl Lindell, stepfather)
N Elbert Matthews
CD Dorothy Menke (m Everette Rogers)
TP *Alice Mitchell (m Carl Thomsen 1939) (sister of Robert 1939)
TP William Myers
CD Sylvia Quarker
N Fred Rensing
TP Margaret Schaeffer (m *Robert Van Frank 1937)
TP Raymond Schmidt (see brother Edward 1937)
N Dorothy Schub (m Dartt)
N Dorothy Schwab
CD William Singleton (m Vivian) (brother of Ray 1946? & Raymond 1949? & Harley 1948)
TP Betty Stein
TP Philip Stegemeyer (903 Elm)
TP Eugene Tingley (brother of Robert 1937, Frank 1940 & Lois 1946) (429 Elm) (cousins of Beekleys)
N Doris Wentz (m Wymer) (sister of Ronald 1936, Betty 1937 & Janet 1939)
N Gordon Wolfangel (brother of Ruth)
N Ruth Wolfangel (sister of Gordon)
1943 TP Lois Allison (m Alexander)
N Asa Brewer
TP *George Eveland
N Robert Fisher (brother of Marie 1934, Mary Charlotte 1941, Patricia 1949 & Ruby 1951)(Farmland in Newtown)
TP Lois Flint (sister of Albert 1940) 609 Miami
N Laura Eckert
TP Mary Con Gatch (m C. Miller) (sister of Peggy 1938) 504-1 Miami
TP *William Geiger d 1991 (brother of Clarabelle 1946 & Adolph)
TP Nancy Gerard (m Ricketts) (sister of Mary 1942)
TP Bobbie Havemann (m Joe A. Schott) (sister of Betty Jane 1935?)
TP Richard Herschberger
N Dollie Johnson (m Walker)
IH Roger Johnson (m Margaret) (brother of Jean 1940)
N Ruth Kelly (m Byles)
N Richard Lewis
N Gregory Muhlberger (brother of Paul 1935, Dora 1940 & Dan 1945)
TP Stewart Proctor (m Arline “Bunny”) (brother of Thomas 1945) 614 Floral
N Ray Ramey
TP *Eppa Rixey
TP *John Schmidt (Paint color expert)
TP *Jack Shank
TP *Frank Sorensen
TP Anna Mae Steelman (end of Lexington?)
TP Katherine Stoehr (m William Funke 1947) (sister of James 1947)
TP Alice Sullivan (m Donald Chandler. Part of the Iuen family) (sister of Ruth 1940) (sisters raised here by their aunt)
N Doris Trompter
TP Edwin Trout
TP *Robert Williams
1944 N Loretta Bartels (m Adams) (sister of Hazel 1940 & Russell)
N Eugene Bloomfield
N Lowell Boggs
TP *Gene Brunner (brother of Betty 1941 & Frank 1949) 407 Elm
TP Robert Carr Jr.
TP Jane Clark (m Young & then Aglamesis)
CD Susie Cosby (m Storey Stevens 1945) (sister of John 1942)
TP *Ferd Critchell (m Edie)
TP Jeanne Cummins (m Mellinger)(601 Wooster?)
TP John C. Davis II (brother of Marian 1938 & Nina Claire 1941 & brother?)
CD Margaret Haney (sister of Mae 1941)
N Thelma Heis (m Haussermann) (& others?)
N Betty Hostetler
CD Earl Howell (brother of Glenn 1949)
N Donna Johnston (sister of Carrie Emma 1939 & Kathren 1941)
TP *Jean Mathis (m McKenney) (628 Miami Mathis family)
TP Harold Miller (brother of William 1934, Donald 1938 & Evelyn 1947) (Schoolhouse Restaurant) 731 Park
N Corneluis Moermond Jr.
N William R. Oligee (m Janet)
Miamiville or CD *Shirley Quayle (sister of Mary 1940)
CD Charles Rahn (m *Margaret Greene 1947)
CD Ken Singelton
N Rosemary Smart (sister of Jean 1947 & Alfred 1941)
TP Rose Ellen Stephens (m E. Klawitter)
Leavinia Walston
1945 TP Edith Lataine Allen (m John Chenshaw)
N Virginia Applegate (m Cole)
TP *Norene Basinger
TP *Virginia Ann “Ginny” Beekley (m Bob Jones. Divorced.) (sister of Doris 1940) (cousins of Tingleys) 601 Wooster Pike
N Carol Binder (m Byrne)
TP *Betty Bowerstock (m Britton) (sister Bonnie) (lived on Cornell)
TP Margaret Buschmeier (m Suer) (sister of Florentine 1939 & Frank 1941)
TP Margaret Collier (m Baumann) lived on Floral
TP? *Frank Cone (brother of Sam 1941)
N or TP *Virginia Donley
N? Dorothy Dority (m J. Carson) (sister of Carolyn 1946, Rolph 1951 & Robert 1952)
TP *Patricia Fehl
N Bernice Fix (m Wolf) (sister of Jerome 1946, Arthur 1947, Audrey 1949 & JoAnn 1950)
TP Helen Grinstead (m Woodrow Murphy)
N Janet Harris (m Wiete)
N *Edward Hill (m Helen Miller 1941, later music teacher at TP. Later divorced)
N Faye Julifs (m Kuhurif) (sister of Gladys 1941)
IH William King
N Ruth Leever (m Charles Smith) (cousin of Taylor)
N Naomi Long (m Lemon)
N June Money (m Haar)
N Alice J. Mooney
N *Dan Muhlberger (brother of Paul 1935, Dora 1940 & Gregory 1943)
TP Thomas Proctor (m Mary Ann) (brother of Stewart 1943) 614 Floral
TP Joe Schott (m Bobbie)
TP Edward Seigle
TP Storey Stevens (m Susie Cosby 1944)
N Ada Eileen Ward (m James Kelly)
N Gerald Whitley
1946 N Neil Aicholtz
N Joyce Asman (m McKinney) (sister of Marge)
N Loretta Amburgey (m Fisher)
TP Faylene Barber (m Doty)
N Loretta Binkley (m John Gest)
Betafaye Brewer (m Baumgartner)
IH Joseph C. Busken Jr. (brother of Jerusha 1949, Linda 1956 (m Bernie Dowd)
N Betty Carter (m Perkins)
Tower Hill Ruth Clennin (m Frerking)(sister of Margaret 1949, Lois 1956 & Dorothy)
N Miriam Collins (m James Carter)
TP Marian Corwin (m Kotte) (parents Hume & Velma. 603 Wooster, Robinson House, then built on IH Rd.)
N *William Clinton (brother of *Bob 1947, Dorothy 1948 & *Ray 1951)
TP Peggy Cummins (m Schaeffer) 601 Wooster???
N Dotty Daw (m Mathers)
N *Ralph Dietz
CD *Carolyn Dority d August 17, 1996 (sister of Dorothy 1945, Rolph 1951 & Robert 1952)
N Launa Dres (m Donald Carter 1942)
IH Miriam Virginia Faulkner (m Charles Araujo)
N Jerome Fix (brother of Bernice 1945, Arthur 1947, Audrey 1949 & JoAnn 1950)
Marian Fuller (m O’Niel) (sister of Jean, Milford grad 1948)
TP Clarabelle Geiger (m Apple) (sister or William 1943 &Adolph)
N Jackson Hamlin (m Virginia)
N Norma Henderson (m Bill Taylor 1940)
N Jack Humphries (brother of Fred 1948)
TP* Carol Jaap (m Jack Root)
N Donald Justice
N Juanita Kirby (m Byrns) (sister of Edgar 1950)
N Joseph M. Kuhn (brother of Robert 1935, Olive 1937, Virginia 1940, Marvin 1946 & Jack 1947)
N Marvin G. Kuhn (brother of Robert 1935, Olive 1937, Virginia 1940, Joseph 1946 & Jack 1947
N Lucile Langford (m Allen Fry 1947)
TP Dick Leisinger (m Laura Ferguson 1948)
CD Doris Oligee (m Edwin Cooper)
William Ossege
TP *Vivian Schott (m Ed Beiser ) d August 3, 1994
8 Mile Virginia Seig (m Russell Bartels, brother of Hazel & Loretta) (sister of Gloria [Jean] 1947 & Mary 1949)
CD Ray Singleton? (not in Year Book) (see William 1942)
N Bill Taylor
Lois Slone (m Hatfield)
TP Lois Tingley (m Dixon) (sister of Robert 1937, Frank 1940 & Eugene 1942) (cousins of Beekleys) 429 Elm
N Marjorie Tucker (m Bloomfield)
TP Oliver West
N Betty Willaims (m Calvin)
1947 TP Virginia Allison (m Ingling)
TP William Barnett (m Lucy) (brother of Ginsel 1950 & Ruth 1951) 610 Yale
N Jack Bickett
N Richard Black
N Richard Clark
Mi Helen Close (m Edmon Hall) (sister of Caroline 1949)
TP *Anne Critchell (m Gladwill) (sister of Robert 1947) 616 Yale
TP Robert A. Critchell (brother of Anne 1947. Children of Robert, architect) 616 Yale
N *Robert “Bob” Cross (Brother of *William 1946, Dorothy 1948 and *Ray 1951)
TP Price Daw (m Vida) (505 Miami)
N Jim Donley (m Arlene E.)
N Marian Evans (m Rieke)
N Paul Fite
N Arthur Fix (brother of Bernice 1945, Jerome 1946, Audrey 1949 & JoAnn 1950)
N Charles Frazee
N Allen Fry (m Lucille Langford 1946)
TP Bill Funke (m Patricia) (m Katherine Stoehr 1st?) 722 Wooster Pike
CD *Margaret Greene (m Charles Rahn 1944)
N Ellen Heis (m Goertemoeller)
N Violet Hill (m Jerry Benedict)
N Steve Justice
TP Esther Kneisley (m Arn) (sister of Geraldine 1937? & Joanne 1948?) 500 Marietta
N Jack C. Kuhn (brother of Robert 1935, Olive 1937, Virginia 1940 and Joseph & Marvin 1946)
TP *Galen Kuntz (TP Tavern family) (sister Claire 1938)
N Nancy McCormick (m Bill Cassidy)
TP Dennis McKee (brother of Hugh 1948 & Harriet 1950; half brother of Sally 1939 & John 1941 - same father, different mother) 214 Harvard
TP Evelyn Miller (m William Noakes, Funeral Home) (sister of William 1934, Donald 1938 & Harold 1944) (Schoolhouse Restaurant) 731 Park
TP Dale Miller (brother of Stanley 1949) 714-1 Miami
N *Betty Osterholtz (m Bloomfield)
TP Marty Radcliffe (m Glaser) (sister of Mary 1949) 800 Park?
8 Mile Gloria (Jean) Seig (m J. Kirry) (sister of Virginia 1946 & Mary 1949) (367-9643)
N Jean Smart (sister of Alfred 1941 & Rosemary 1944?)
N *Shirley Stevens (m Hahnert)
N Dottie Tarvin (m Gaskins)
TP Lee Stegemeyer 903 Elm
TP Don Stephens (m Marilyn)
TP *Jim Stoehr (brother of Katherine 1943) (went away to school)
N James Strong
TP Robert Vogt (brother of Marian 1950)
N Betty Walter (m Evans)
N *Betty Whitaker (m Homer)
1948 IH Donald Aicholz M. D.
N Suzanne Alt (m Leslie Moermond 1948)
N Joyce Aszman (m Geiger)
N Alice Binder (m Walker)
TP Richard Beebe 706 Myrtle
N Mabel “Peggy” Bristol (m V. Ward)
TP Jack Caliguri (m Judi)
TP William Carr 607 Yale
TP Kathryn Cast (m Orthman) 729 Park?
N Catherine Chaney (m Malott)
N Dorothy Cross (m M. Black) (sister of *William 1946, *Bob 1947 & *Ray 1951)
TP Laura Ferguson (m Dick J. Leisinger 1946) (sister of Robert 1940 & Lee 1942) 312 Rugby?
N Mary Freeman (m Holland)
N Glenn Fritch
N *Delmar Gabbard
N Joan Garside (m Kugler)
N Phillis Hammon (m Bland)
N Norma Hayes (m Broerman)
TP Bart Hebble 717 Lexington?
N Jeanette Henderson (m Robinson)
N Fred Humphries (brother of Jack 1946)
N Olive Jameso
TP Joanne Kneisley (m Cutter) (sister of Geraldine 1937 & Esther 1947) 500 Marietta
TP Hugh B. McKee (brother of Dennis 1947 & Harriet 1950; half brother of Sally 1939 & John 1941 - same father, different mother) 214 Harvard
N Leslie Moermond (m Suzanne Alt 1948)
N *Waneda Nolin (m Curee)
N Viola O’Dell (m Keller)
N Janet Osterholz (m Stone)
Miamiville or CD Gloria Quinn (m Drusell)
N *Jack Ricker
N Carol Romohr (m Taylor)
TP *Nancy Roose (sister of Penny 1951 & Sally 1956) 912 Princeton?
N Tom Scales
N Clarine Schwartz (m Hill)
TP Garth Semple (m Sue) (brother of Harry 1950) 614 Home
CD Harley Singleton (see William 1942)
N Philip Sticksel (m Ann)
TP *Ronald Sullivan 507 Amherst?
IH? Nancy Taylor (m Stix) (sister of Clarence 1951, Carl 1953, Bob 1956 & Betty 1957)
TP JoAnn Thomas (m Kingsley) 429 Elm?
N Norma Trompter (m Link)
N Gayle H. Vice
N Robert Walker
N Iris Wayt (m Claude Phillips)
N Beulah Ward (m William Bloomfield)
N Phillis Ward (m Jack Clemons)
N Henry Wedig M. D.
TP Richard “Dick” West (brother of Katherine 1933, Elizabeth 1936 & David 1940) 203 Marietta
N Fred “Fritz” White (sculptor)
N Caryl Whitley (m M Walker)
N Richard Zink (m Rosemary) (sister Nancy 1957)
1949 N William Barber
TP Bruce Becker 300 Rugby
TP Elroy Bourgraf (brother of George 1941) 628 Myrtle?
N Bob Bowen
N Gloria Bronniman (m Waits)
TP Frank Brunner (brother of Betty 1941 & Gene 1944) 407 Elm
IH *Jerusha “Jerry” Busken (m Robert Neff) (sister of Joseph 1946 & Linda 1956)
TP James L. Chapman III (brother of Nancy 1951 & Sally 1953) (614 Floral)
Tower Hill Margaret Clennin (m Chasson) (sister of Ruth 1946, Lois 1956 & Dorothy)
Mi *Caroline Close (m Scroepp) (sister of Helen 1947)
N Mary Coates (m L. Hunter)
N Marjorie Collins (m Ertel)
N William Curee
TP Evelyn Dixon (m Present) 806 Miami?
TP Flach Douglas (Choate grad) 628 Lexington
N Ted Dres
N & TP Jean Dunham (m Meyer)
N Philip Dutlinger (m Lois)
N Patricia Fisher (m Kelley) (sister of Marie 1934, Mary Charlotte 1941, Robert 1943 & Ruby 1951)
N Robert L. Fite (m Dyann) (brother of Dick 1953)
N Shirley Fitzwater (m Huesman)
N Audrey Fix (m Carl Sedacca) (sister of Bernice 1945, Jerome 1946, Arthur 1947, & JoAnn 1950)
TP Joan Haskins (m Sexton) (603 Marietta?)
TP Thomas Hebble (717 Lexington?)
CD Glenn Howell (brother of Earl 1944)
N Robert Itin
N Annette Johnson (m Carr)
TP Jean Johnson (m Conroy)
TP *Jack Jordan (brother of Steve 1950 & Marianne 1956) 501 Miami
N Bill Justice
TP Mary Kahle (m Edwin Jordan)
TP *Bob Kramer
IH *Bill Krummert (brother of Bob 1949, Norma 1952 &* Joyce 1957)
IH Bob Krummert (brother of Bill 1949, Norma 1952 & *Joyce 1957) (a year older than Bill. Non-grad.
Quit and went to Korea with the military)
N Joan Ludlow (m Lawrence)
TP Nancy Lynch (m Hassell)
TP Elizabeth A. Martin (Withrow grad)
TP Stanley Miller (brother of Dale 1947) 714 Miami
N Doris Money (m George Griffin)
N Pat Moorman (m Olberding) 805 Park
N Irene Morris (m Harding)
N Marilyn Myers (m Cook)
N June Newman (m Waits)
TP Mary Radcliff (m Bahner) (sister of Marty 1947) Floral rather than 800 Park?
C Mary Rahn (m Jordan)
IH Ann Rathkamp (m Barnhart)
TP Mary Lou Rawnsley (m L Eycke) (sister of Virginia 1950 & David 1951)
N Nicholas Reinhardt
N Bertie Rippstein (m Trester)
TP Vernon Schott
2795 Eight Mile Mary Seig (m Harris) (sister of Virginia 1946 & Gloria [Jean] 1947)
N Gerry Shanabrook (m Byrd)
CD Raymond E. Singleton (not in Year Book) (see William 1942)
TP June Sommer (m Easley)
TP Dale Sontag (m Johnson) (sister of Dorothy & Richard 1951)
TP Lois Stephens (m Borders)
N Sally Spees (m Ken Shepard)
N Lois Spresser (m Star) (sister of Alice 1932 & Roberta 1940)
N Dale Trout
N *Sylvia Vespie (m West)
TP Marie Vilardo (m McClay) (sister of Ralph 1949 & Louise 1955) 415 Washington
TP Ralph Vilardo (m Mary) (brother of Marie 1949 & Louise 1955) 415 Washington
N Margie Waits (m Spencer)
N Ann Walters (m Apgar)
N George Walters (m Pat)
N Carla Anne Weghorst (m Carl Fetters)
N Earl Williams
N Margaret Williamson (m Laughlin)
1950 N Janice Allen (m Ed Doherty)
N Marilyn Baker (m John Herbert) 271-1896 (brother Jim 561-9714)
TP Irvin Barber (m Melva)
TP Ginsel Barnett m George Haverstick) (sister of William 1947 & Ruth 1951) 610 Yale
N Nancy Binder (m Jackson)
TP Bonnie Bowersock (m George Widmeyer 1950) 414 Cornell
TP Linda Cady (m Warren Weicher 300 Rugby
TP Ben Castleman (m Nancy)
TP Charles Daugherty
N JoAnn Fix (m *Jack Breslin) (sister of Bernice 1946, Jerome 1946, Arthur 1947 & Audrey 1949)
N William Freeman
TP Hazel Gilbert (m Paul)
N Luther Hall Jr.
N Thomas Hammon (m Barbara)
N Don Havens (m Jackie) (brother of Mary 1951, Sue 1952 & Phyllis 1955)
TP Don Hughes (m Audre Worz 1952)
N Jim Itin (m Joan)
TP Steve Jordan (brother of Jack 1949 & Marianne 1956) 501 Miami
TP *Jack Kircher (brother of Judy 1956 & sister) 716 Park
N Edgar Kirby (m Joanne) (brother of Juanita 1946)
N Mary McCollum (m Charles L. Marker)
N Kenneth McCoy (m Jeanne)
TP Harriet McKee (sister of Hugh 1948 & Dennis 1947; half sister of John 1941 & Sally 1949 - same father, different mother)
214 Harvard
M Mary Miller (m Ted J. Rama)
N Jane Murphy (m Baker Everett)
TP Virginia Rawnsley (m *Bill Fenton) (sister of Mary Lou 1949 & David 1951) 717 Wooster Pike
N Mary Scales (m Schoner)
TP Harry Semple (m Ruby) (brother of Garth 1948) 614 Home
TP Bill Siegel (brother of Richard 1952) 615 Home?
N Bruce Smith (m Barbara)
TP Bob Stewart 610 Lexington
IH Pat Streeter (Iuen Farm house)
N Becky Swisher (sister of Elizabeth 1932, Emily1936, Jack 1937 & Lois 1941) (0r did she graduate in 1951?)
TP Alice Terwillegar (m Ison) 733 Elm
TP Marian Vogt (m Donald Savage) (sister of Robert 1947) 910 Princeton
Near Mt. Washington. Judy Weatley (m Werner Schmalfuss)
TP *Arlene Werner (sister of Dick 1955) 808 Lexington
N Delores Whitaker (m Ladrigan)
TP Lee T. White
N *Millard White
N George Widmeyer (m Bonnie Bowersock 1950)
N June Young (m Rudy Zagar)
1951 Shirley Adkins (m Neidich)
N *Betty Allen (m Wymer)
N *Jesse Applegate
N Albert Argo
TP *Ruth Barnett (m Davidson) (sister of William 1947 & Ginsel 1950) 610 Yale
N Barbara Beets (m Hardoerfer)
N Gary Bowen Jr.
N Elizabeth Bristle (m Willis Robinson 1950)
TP *Diane Cady (m Mankins)
N Betty Chandler (m Estes)
TP Nancy Chapman (sister of James 1949 & Sally 1953) 614 Floral
TP Gayle Crawford (m Bicknell) 611 Floral
TP Steve Critchell (non grad) 909 Stanton?
N *Hoyt Ray Cross (brother of *William 1946, *Bob 1947 & Dorothy 1948)
CD Rolf Dority (Rolph died 26 Feb 2007)(brother of Dorothy 1945, Carolyn 1946 &
Robert 1952)
N Ruby Fisher (m Arnold) (sister of Marie1934, Mary Charlotte 1941, Robert 1943, Patricia 1949)
N Mary Gibson (m Crawford)
TP Ronald Halbauer (brother of Pat 1956) 628 Myrtle
N Carolyn Hammon (m Valdean Morris)
N Molly Hardman (m Eugene Heimlich)
N Mary Havens (m J. Oury) (sister of Don 1950, Sue 1952 & Phyllis 1955)
TP Mary Hebble (m Anderson) 717 Lexington
Virginia Hines (m Spainhour)
N Thomas Humphries
N Freda Litton (m McMillion)
N Addie Martin (m Thomas Seekamp)
N Thelma McCollum (m Blice)
TP Dot McConnell (m Klepp) 606 Floral?
N Richard Masseman
N Joyce Money (m Chance)
N Valdean Morris (m Carolyn Hammon
N Elizabeth Philhower (m Cole)
IH Bill Purvis (m N Marion Jean Taylor) (brother of Faye 1953)
N Lois Ratliff (m Mascio)
N Bill Ratliff
N Russell Ratterman
TP *David Rawnsley m Bernie) d April 3, 2002 (brother of Mary Lou 1949 & Virginia 1950) 717 Wooster
N Jay Riegal (m Dottie)
N Willis Robinson (m Elizabeth Bristle 1950)
TP *Penny Roose (m Schmitter) (sister of Nancy 1948 & Sally 1956) 912 Princeton?
N Richard L. Smith (1952?)
TP Bill Sommers (m Shirley) 308 Marietta
TP Richard Sontag (brother of Dorothy & Dale 1949) 611 Myrtle
TP Louis Strauss
Becky Swisher (m Jim Decatur) (1950 or 51?)
IH? Clarence Taylor (brother of Nancy 1948, Carl 1953, Bob 1956 & Betty 1957)
N Mary VanCamp (m J. Curless)
CD Dorothy Wells (m McQuitty)
CD Robert Werner
IH Paul White
Tower Hill Peggy Williams (m Bohl)
N Jane Williamson (m Decatur)
TP Norman Wright (715 Lexington?)
1952 Dick Albers (m Norma Krummert 1952)
N *Donald Alt
N Susanne Arnett
TP Thomas Baker 407 Amherst?
TP *Dawn Bredemeyer
N Gertrude Bronniman
N Milton Car
TP Guil Clopton (736 Wooster?)
YMCA Rd Delores Collins (m Ed Little)
CD *Robert Dority (died 25 Feb 2008) (brother of Dorothy 1945, Carolyn 1946 & Rolph 1951)
CD Catherine Greene (m Bob Buroughs)
N Sue Havens (m Oury) (sister of Don 1950, Mary 1951 & Phyllis 1955)
CD W. E. Hillard
N Clarence W. Johnson (m Janice)
IH Norma Krummert (m Dick Albers 1952) (sister of Bob 1949, Bill 1949 & *Joyce 1957)
N Laney Litton
Mt Carmel Ruth McGraw (m Johnson)
TP Robert Patrick 817Floral?
N *Clarence Plank (brother of Peter 1953)
Tower Hill Joanne Rice
YMCA Rd *Shirley Scales
TP William Schulz (315 Terrace Place) (brother of Robert 1955)
TP Richard Siegel (brother of Bill 1950) 615 Home?
TP* Shirley Stoecklin (m Bingham) (sister of Carol 1956) 816 Miami
N Helen Thompson
N *Joyce Vogel
N Arthur L. Tumbleson (m Janice) (brother of Marilyn 1957)
TP Audre Worz (m Don Hughes 1950) 315 Miami?
1953 Tower Hill Alice Allen (m Hosstetter)
IH Chester Augspurger (m Sally Chapman 1953) (brother of Joy 1954)
N Robert L. Barber
Tower Hill Minnie Brewer
N Ida Castor (m Bickel)
TP Sally Chapman (m Chester Augspurger 1953) (sister of James 1949 & Nancy 1951) 614 Floral
CD John Coates
N Mark Cottings
CD Donald W. Curless (m Marlene Wallace 1953)
N Richard Fite (brother of Robert 1949)
TP Jane Gingrich (m Miller) 303 Marietta
N Robert Harmon
Tower Hill Gerald Hatto (l?)
TP Eugene Lloyd Herrmann (m Kaye) (615 Myrtle)
IH Patricia Hughes (m Mulloy)
N Thomas Itin (m Shirley) Cornell 1957 where he used his Terrace Park football skills
to play for Cornell. Address in 2007 Orchard Lake MI
TP Guy Kocar
TP Ronnie Kuyper
Owensville Harry A. Lockwood
N Richard Mathis
N JoAnn McCollum (m Bauman)
Miami Grove Clara McGee (m Spatheh)
TP Jack McMullen (Wooster Pike?)
N Gayle Obermeyer (m Massmann)
IH Ronnie Parks (brother)
N Robert H. Perrine
N Peter P. Plank (brother of Clarence 1952).
IH Faye Purvis (m N Richard Paul Taylor) (sister of Bill 1951)
N Paul Reinhardt (m May)
Miami Grove Betty Rippstein
N Gene Robinson
N Corine Robinson (m Richard Schlecty)
N Norman Rummel (non grad - worked at TP store)
IH? Carl Taylor (brother of Nancy 1948, Clarence 1951, Bob 1956 & Betty 1957)
N Genevieve Thornberry (m Jim Wallace)
N Janna Thornberry (m Charles Bauer)
N Jerry L. Tucker
N Marlene Wallace (m Donald Curless 1953)
N Nancy Williamson (m McClure)
1954 IH Joy Augspurger (m Kellogg) (sister of Chester 1953)
TP *Shirley Baldwin (307 Miami) (Allen Baldwin’s daughter – Wanoka Woods area?)
TP Bob Bibens (203 Oxford)
TP Bill Byars (606 Home)
Tower Hill Dorothy Clennin (m Hampton)
TP or IH James H. Conklin (g?)
N Shirley Donaldson (m O.,Davis)
Mt Carmel John Fielman
N Mary Lou Floro (m Thurman “Sonny” Martin 1955)
TP John A. Gehrig 619 Miami
N Glenda Gilbert (m Kiser)
N John O. Harmon
N Gerald Harvey
N Dorothy Howell (m Jay Riedel)
N Dorothy Hubbard (m Guy M. Buttree)
TP Stewart H. Hussey (710 or 14 Floral?)
N Juanita Kreig (m Bedinghous)
N Bruce R. McClure
Tower Hill Jerry I. Menchofer (brother of James 1957) (grew up in Wooster Pike house)
TP *Nancee Jo Miller (Robinson Circus House – 1 Circus Place)
TP Ronald Miller (Robinson Circus House. Brother of Nancee Jo [above], Melanie Kay,
Kathryn Matilda, & Melissa Ann)
Lawrence Morgan (drove from out in the country)
N *John Newman
TP Elizabeth “Betty” Pierson (m J. Bradley)
N John E. Scales (m Delores)
N *Estel “Sockie” Sexton
N Robert Stevens
N Ann Tiemeyer (m Gus E. Lewis)
Mt Carmel James A. Ward
N George White (m Dorothy)
N Richard D. Whitley
N *Louis Widmeyer
TP Frances Williams (m M. Smithson)
TP Jack Williams 209 Cambridge
1955 TP Mary K. Adams (sister of Anne 1957) 207 Marietta?
N Mary Allen
TP Joan L. Becker 300 Rugby
Milford Charles T. Boles
N John Bowen (m Betty Jean)
N John Bronniman (m Joy)
N Nola Cadwanader (m Dick Godfrey)
N Shirley Daily (m Slusher)
N Phyllis Havens (m William Woodaw) (sister of Don 1950, Mary 1951 & Sue 1952)
N Mary Hilton (m K. Engel)
TP Bruce Hummel (315 Harvard)
N Elmer “Bud” Johnson (m Eleanor)
TP Ted Kaiser (8592 Wooster Pike)
Miamiville Phyllis Kay (m Newman)
Thurman “Sonny” Martin (m Mary Lou Floro 1954)
Miamiville Jim Mossman (m Ann)
N JoAnn Neal
TP William O’Grady (m Karla F) (716 Floral?)
TP Anne Peterson (m Del Calzo) (sister of Mary 1957) 629 Myrtle
N Mabel Richardson
TP Jerry Robinson (m Pat) (403-1 Stanton)
N Doris Sammons (m LeRoy Morehouse)
TP Robert Schulz (m Wilma) (315 Terrace Place) (brother of William 1952)
N Patty Shaw
N Jerald B. Smart
N Wilma Spresser
TP *James Torrence (105 Sycamore)
TP Robert J. Town (Marilyn Whitley 1956) (402 Yale)
TP Louise Vilardo (m *Todd Rhein) (sister of Marie 1949 & Ralph 1949) 415 Washington
Mt Carmel Don E. Ward
N Carol Wellman
TP Dick Werner (brother of Arlene 1950) 808 Lexington
N Jocele Werth (m Wayne Cutright)
N Richard Wiley
N Kenneth Wood
1956 Joan Beets (m Woods)
N David A. Black
N Elaine Brandenburg (m Harry Frictch)
Sylvia Buder (m Lynam)
IH Linda Busken (m Jergens) (sister of Joseph 1946 & Jerusha 1949)
Tower Hill Lois Clennin (m Maier) (sister of Ruth 1946, Margaret 1949 & Dorothy)
N Mike Cottings
N Fern Cumby (m Wisby)
Francis Cumby (m Cesco)
N Mona Davis (m Carl Schmitt)
N Jeanine Dutlinger (m L. Niemeier)
TP *Shirley Firby (m Mittendorf) (710 Franklin)
N Walter Flach (m Pam)
TP Dick Godfrey
TP Pat Halbauer (m Michael Arnold) (sister of Ronald 1951) 628 Myrtle
Bob Haley
N Bob Hazelbaker
Judy Horstmeyer (m Sandy Preest)
N Connie Jerden
TP *Marianne Jordan (m Swan) (sister of Jack 1949 & Steve 1950) 501 Miami
TP Gwen Kennedy (m Smith) (sister of Paul & others) 616 Yale
TP Judy Kircher (sister of Jack 1950) 716 Park
TP David Kipp 606Yale?
TP David Kurtz 608 Myrtle
N Bob Lovins
N Bob Martin
N Nancy Massman (m Girton)
N Bertha McHugh (m Waits)
N Arlene Mead (m Brackett)
N Shelva Mitchell (m Norman)
Kay Morris
N Bill Murray
N Gene Napier
Nancy Noerr
N Charles Osterholz
TP Judy Ourand (m Joy)
N John Perrine
N Carol Philhower (m Bob Taylor 1956)
N Tom Plank
N *Todd Rhein (m Louise Vilardo 1955)
N Nancy Richey (m Plogman)
TP John Rockaway 823 Yale
TP Sally Roose (m Kellis) (sister of Nancy 1948 & Penny 1951) 912 Princeton?
(Dad moved to Princeton from Rugby?)
N Shirley Schneider (m Holland)
James Scott (m Darlene) (is this James Scott Worley???)
N Anna Lou Spurlock (m Thole)
TP*Carol Stoecklin (m *Bud Peterson) (sister of Shirley 1952) 816 Miami
N Bob Taylor (m Carol Philhower 1956)
N Jim Thornberry
TP David Todd
N Jim Tucker
N Marilyn Whitley (m Robert Town 1955)
N Mary Lou Wiley
N James Scott Worley
1957 TP Anne Adams (m Paul Jeschke) (sister of Mary K 1955) 207 Marietta?
*Barbara Adams
N Michael Arnold (m Pat)
N Bill Brackett
[N Wilma Burchard (m Harmon) (1959 Anderson)]
N Doris Butts (m J. Von Storch)
N Terry Cannon
N Jim Cooper (m Ruth Elaine)
N Robert E. Davidson (m Betty)
TP Shirley Diefendorf (m Bill Sommers)
N *Robert J. Fox
N Robert A. Johnson
IH *Joyce Krummert (m Joe Siddens) (sister of Bob 1949, Bill 1949 & Norma 1952)
Anderson Audrey Lee (m Strunk)
TP Thomas McDonald (200 Rugby & on Yale earlier - 800s)
Tower Hill James P. Menchofer (brother of Jerry 1954)(grew up in Wooster Pike house)
Blanchester Barry Mikelson
N *Donna Myers (m Knock)
N Gary W. Neal
N Adrian A. Patton (m Eladia)
TP Mary Peterson (m Tarleton) (sister of Anne 1955) 629 Myrtle
N Jane Quzts (m Longest)
TP Harry Rubenkoenig 607 Wooster, moved to 221 Miami
N Norma Scales (m Schweitzer)
N Carolyn Scott (m M. Fry)
TP *Dick Sparrow (m Kitty) (712 Lexington) (died 2005)
N Janet Spees (m Bill Marrott)
IH? Betty Taylor (m John J. Bowen) (sister of Nancy 1948, Clarence 1951, Carl 1953 & Bob 1956)
TP Doris Thompson (m Emde)
N Homer Thornberry
N *Ned Tiemeyer
N Marilyn Tumbleson (m Nick M Arnold) (sister of Arthur 1952)
N Ronnie VanHoose
N Judy Werth (m Robert Crider)
N Margaret Winters (m Don H. Burnes)
N Nancy Zink (m Lee C. Murrell) (brother Richard 1948).