Legacy Version

907 Elm Avenue

  Terrace Park, Ohio Building Survey

Click here to see photo Click here to see deed index Click here to see census
No: 907  Street: Elm Name: Leaf House
Family: Plaque: 2008 Owner Info: Y
Built: 1890 Sec: 22 Sub: Thomas R. Biggs? Lot: Ir R2-T5-S22
Architect:  Cont/Build: 
#Owners: 3F Original Use: Residential Current Use: Residential
CHANGES As Built: N Add To: Y Sub From: N Replace: N
1940s - Bedroom over garage added.  After 1959 - 2 car garage added.  1976 - added to the north for a hall from the living room to the family room.  1984 - (permit) added family room with fireplace in back.
Current Owner: Date Fr: 2014 Date To: 
Original Owner: Henry Leaf (land) Date Fr: 1846 Date To: 1871
Owner 1: Michael Turner Leaf (son of Henry) (see Leaf at 1005 Elm 411 Western) Date Fr 1: 1871 Date To 1: 1916
Owner 2: Mary Leaf (daughter of Michael) Date Fr 2: 1916 Date To 2: 1924
Owner 3: Henry Hodges Date Fr 31924 Date To 3: 1932
Owner 4: Alvin H. Hodges (son of Henry)  Date Fr 4: 1932 Date To 4: 1959
Owner 5: Joseph W. Nordloh (1 month - probably not resident) Date Fr 5: 1959 Date To 5: 1959
Owner 6: Leonard P. & Myrrl Goorian Date Fr 6: 1959 Date To 6: 1983
Owner 7:  Sally B. Coffman (& David) Date Fr 71983 Date To 72014
Owner 8:  Date Fr 8 Date To 8
Owner 9:  Date Fr 9 Date To 9
Owner 10:  Date Fr 10 Date To 10
1975 Owner:  Leonard P. & Myrrl Goorian.
Description: 2 story Southern Colonial farmhouse with columns across the central front, siding, gable roof..
Story 1: The Leaf family originally lived across the Little Miami River in Anderson Township.  Henry L. Leaf owned property on both sides of the river.  Michael owned land only on the Terrace Park side.  1897: John Leaf is listed on Elm.  Is this Michael's son?  Further work is in 2009 being done on the Leaf family, which should in time be added here.  
Story 2: Henry Hodges was landlord for the area behind him down to the Little Miami River.  In August 1969 Village Views reported that the scouts cleared Hodge Acres, owned by the Village, "abandoned slum colony".
Story 3: The Village of Terrace Park annexed the area in 1940 and purchased the remaining acres (Miami Grove) in 1957 from Alvin Hodges for $13,000.  
Story 4: In Miller Scrapbook (in the Community House) - home of Leonard and Myrrl Goorian - Post/Times Star, Oct. 19, 1960 - article by Polly Cramer with interior and exterior views (copy in TPHS house notebook).
Story 5: Myrrl Sarah Goorian died 23 October, 2009, Craver Riggs Funeral Home.  Children Donna and Viva.  "A ballerina from birth, she led a long, very vivid life filled with family, friends, happiness, laughter and love." (from death notice)
Story 6: This house is on the 17 October TP Historical Society House Tour, "The White House Tour".  "Sally and David Coffman - 907 Elm.  The four families that have occupied The Leaf House since its erection in 1890 have given it numerous additions, the most recent in 1984.  Its stately location at the bend in Elm Avenue makes it a highly visible and memorable home for those who visit Terrace Park.  The original garage remains in the back of the property." 
Story 7: David Coffman's mother Alma Keeton Coffman was born 8 Oct 1914 and died 10 Feb 2013.  She was 98 years old. 
1939 Map: Hodges
1942 Map: Hodges
1951/3 Map: Alvin Hodges
1959 Directory: Alvin H. & Marguerite F. Hodges (moved to 109 Marian Lane - Nordloh sub-division) (both at this address in 1953)
1960-82 Directories: Leonard & Myrrl Goorian
1984-2012 Directory: David & Sally Coffman (Sold 1984)