Legacy Version

811 Myrtle Avenue

Terrace Park, Ohio Building Survey

Click here to see photos Click here to see deed index Click here to see census
No: 811  Street: Myrtle Name: 
Family: SOLD Owner Info: N
Built: 1939 Sec: 22 Sub: Sibley's 2nd BL4 Lot: 16-19
Architect:  Cont/Build: Horton
#Owners:  Original Use: Residential Current Use: Residential
CHANGES As Built: N Add To: Y Sub From: N Replace: N
Prior to 1964 - large bedroom added to the back of the house (family room in 2000).  1976 or 78 - Eugene Desvernine remodeled and made a 2 story addition on the north side of the original house.  2002 - permit for Val & Jeff Arington to renovate the existing house - master suite, new patio and driveway, new garage/accessory building behind (JFP construction, John Wallis, architect).  2010 permit for Porch Addition by Housley for Arington. 
Current Owner: Date Fr: 2015 Date To: 
Original Owner: Horton (builder) Date Fr: 1941 Date To: 1947
Owner 1: Thomas J. Jr. & Mary Alice Burke Date Fr 1: 1947 Date To 1: 1955
Owner 2: Robert & Dorothy L. Vogt (moved to 910 Princeton) Date Fr 2: 1955 Date To 2: 1958
Owner 3: Howard B. & Janet V. Lape Date Fr 3: 1958 Date To 3: 1964
Owner 4: Kenneth B. & Polly Bassett Date Fr 4: 1964 Date To 4: 1968
Owner 5: Andrew & Judith Rogers Date Fr 5: 1968 Date To 5: 1970
Owner 6: Gene & Linda Desvernine Date Fr 6: 1970 Date To 6: 1980
Owner 7: (Ed & Nancy Pierce renters?) Date Fr 7: Date To 7:
Owner 8: James P. Orr (Pam Orr in 1981) Date Fr 8: 1980 Date To 8: 1986
Owner 9: Barbara H.  & John T. "Tom"  Mason Date Fr 9: 1986 Date To 9: 1993
Owner 10: Jeffrey & Valerie Arington Date Fr 10: 1993 Date To 10: 2015
1975 Owner:  Eugene M. Desvernine
Description: Originally a small clapboard 5 room 1 floor house similar to a Cape Cod except for window placement, gable roof: living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room, 3 bedrooms and vanitory bath with 2 car garage and patio.  Now greatly expanded & 2 story.  See additions above.
  Information in the Terrace Park Garden Club Home Tour 2000 ticket booklet says house was "originally built in 1935  as a two-bedroom cottage". (?)  Building date is not clear - 1935, 1939 or 1941? (see deeds).  Needs more research. 
Story 1: Black and white picture of house as similar to a Cape Cod is in the TP Historical Society house file.
Story 2: The Jeff and Valerie Arington home was on the 2000 Sunday December 3 Terrace Park Garden Club Home Tour.  Homes were open 1-5 PM.  The Community House was open from 12-5 PM for Holiday Fair. refreshments, ticket sales and restrooms.  Proceeds were used to continue the beautification of our village. 
Story 3: When for sale in 2015:  5 bedrooms & 5,5 baths. 
1939 Map: Werner (probably lot only)
1942 Map: Horton
1951/3 Map: Tom Burke Jr.
1959-64 Directories: Howard & Jean Lape
1965-66 Direct: Ken & Polly Bassett
1967-68 Direct: "      (moved to 622 Miami
1969-70 Direct: Andrew & Judy Rogers
1971-76 Directories: Gene & Linda Desvernine
1978 Directory: Ed & Nancy Pierce
1980-84 Directories: Mrs. James P. (Pam) Orr (moved to 705 Miami)
1986 Directory: ----
1988-93 Directories: Tom & Barbara Mason
1994-2012 Directories: Jeffrey & Valerie Arington