805 Indian Hill Road
PhotosLegacy VersionGeneral Information
No: 805
Street: Indian Hill
House Name:
Historic Plaque:
Owner Info: Y
Built: 1960
Sec: 29
Subdivision: Thompson's Terrace Acres
Lot: Irreg 1
Architect: Pease
Cont/build: Thompson
2 story clapboard & brick Pease Colonial home, gable
Owners: 5
Original Use: Residential
Current Use: Residential
As Built: N
Added To: Y
Subtracted From: N
Replaced: Y
Description Of Changes: 1997 permit for the Osgoods to add a deck to the south (Ed Brueckner, architect; Steve Osgood, contractor).
Story 1: James Iuen bought this farm land in 1883 from John L. Galloway. The Schmidt family lived in the farmhouse from 1927 until the early 1940s. Anna Rosa Iuen sold to O. O. Thompson in 1960 for development.Story 2: Virginia Marquett's mother, Edith Iuen Cook, was born in 1894 in the old farm house. The family moved in 1900 to the brick house on the hill above the dairy farm. They milked the cows by hand. When short of hands Virginia's mother helped with the milking.
Story 3: Cows were driven through Madisonville to the stock yards when they got rid of the dairy farm. Spring house with spring - milk cans submerged. Animals worked churns for butter. Workers lived in the area. The house past Fieldstone was where the pig pen was.
Story 4: Model home for Fieldstone/Winding Brook area. Replaces old farm house just behind the present house. Fieldstone/Winding Brook area was originally Iuen Dairy Farm (75 acres). Land went up as far as Indian Ridge - all pasture, not trees.
Story 5: Joyce Van Epps was born 15 August 1930 and died 1 November 2006, aged 76 years, buried in St. Thomas Church Columbarium, Section 9, Niche 257. Guy Van Epps was born 28 January 1959 and died 23 September 2015, aged 56 years, T. P. White & Sons Funeral Home. Guy was a local star athlete for Mariemont High School in both baseball and track and is a member of the Mariemont High School Sports Hall of Fame.