Legacy Version

731 Franklin Avenue

Terrace Park, Ohio Building Survey

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No: 731  Street: Franklin Name: 
Family: Ahrens Owner Info: Y
Built: 1962 Sec: 28 Sub: Eveland's 2nd Lot: 31
Architect:  Cont/Build: 
#Owners:  Original Use: Residential Current Use: Residential
CHANGES As Built: N Add To: Y Sub From: N Replace: N
1967 - Collins converted original 2 car garage to family room and added detached garage (Stienkamp & Nordloh, architect; Norval Julnes, contractor).   1996 - permit for Greg & Kirsten Ahrens to remodel the kitchen and bath (Kitchen Concepts, Inc., builders).  2000 permit for Greg & Kirsten Ahrens to do work in basement and on 2nd floor.  Environmetrics contractors.  Greg Martin architect.  
Current Owner: Kirsten G. Ahrens  Date Fr: 2003 Date To: 
Original Owner: Harry Eveland (from Miles Eveland) Date Fr: 1941 Date To: 1954
Owner 1: Clarence E. Eveland Date Fr 1: 1954 Date To 1: 1964
Owner 2: John W. "Jack" Collins  Date Fr 2: 1964 Date To 2: 1975
Owner 3: Neil P. & Nona L. Thelen  Date Fr 3: 1975 Date To 3: 1976
Owner 4: John P. & Lindsey Seigfried Date Fr 4: 1976 Date To 4: 1979
Owner 5: Frederick "Rick"  III & Patricia "Trish" Ann Bryan  Date Fr 5: 1979 Date To 5: 1995
Owner 6: Gregory F. & Kirsten G. Ahrens Date Fr 6: 1995 Date To 6: 2003
Owner 7:  Date Fr 7:  Date To 7: 
Owner 8:  Date Fr 8:  Date To 8: 
Owner 9:  Date Fr 9:  Date To 9: 
Owner 10:  Date Fr 10:  Date To 10: 
1975 Owner:  John W. Collins %Neil P. & Nona J. Thelen
Description: Expanded 2 story brick & siding, gable roof.
Story 1: The Siegfried's son Gregg moved to 611 Home in 2003.
Story 2: This home of Mr. & Mrs. (Trish) Frederick Bryan was on the 1980 December 7 "Christmas in the Park" TP Garden Club House Tour.  It was a Sunday, homes were open from 3-7 PM and advance tickets were $2.50, $3 on the day.  Proceeds were used for beautification of the village. 
1965-74 Directories: Jack & Betsy Collins
1975-76 Direct: Jack Collins (Neil & Nona Thielen moved from 407 Amherst) (Sold 1977)
1978 Directory: John & Lindsey Siegfried (moved from 726 Myrtle)
1980-95 Directories: Rick & Trish Bryan (moved from 110 Michigan)
1996-2003 Directories: Gregory & Kirsten Ahrens
2004-12 Directories: Kirsten Ahrens