Legacy Version

721 Yale Avenue

Terrace Park, Ohio Building Survey

Click here to see photo Click here to see deed index Click here to see census
No: 721  Street: Yale Name: 
Family: Bogle Owner Info: N
Built: 1921?      Probably built between1915 & 1920 (See 1920 Census & Deeds) Sec: 22 Sub: Sibley's 2nd BL 7 Lot: 24-28
Architect:  Cont/Build: 
#Owners:  Original Use: Residential Current Use: Residential
CHANGES As Built: N Add To: Y Sub From: N Replace: N
1963 - alterations for Joe Busken, Jr. and the addition of  20' x 39' for 2 bed rooms and a den.
Current Owner: Alexander K. Bogle Date Fr: 2012 Date To: 
Original OwnerAlva & Ella F. Norris Date Fr: 1915 Date To: 1929
Owner 1: Edith M. Norris Date Fr 1: 1929 Date To 1: 1947
Owner 2:  Helen I. Easton Date Fr 2: 1947 Date To 2: 1951
Owner 3: Maupin (built & moved to 823 Lexington) Date Fr 3: 1951 Date To 3: 1957
Owner 4: Bernice D.  Busken  (& Joe) Date Fr 4: 1957 Date To 4: 1967
Owner 5: Charles L. & Helen W. Short Date Fr 5:1967 Date To 5: 1969
Owner 6Peter R. & Janet "Pepper" D(eupree) Miller Date Fr 5: 1969 Date To 5: 1977
Owner 7Susan S. Elliott Date Fr 6: 1977 Date To 6: 1981
Owner 8: John L. & K. Diane Myslik Date Fr 7: 1981 Date To 7: 1997
Owner 9Adrian R. & Karen A. Vissat Date Fr 8: 1997 Date To 8: 2008
Owner 10:  Charles D. & Kelly G. Minifie Date Fr 9: 2008 Date To 9: 2012
Owner 11: Date Fr 10: Date To 10:
1975 Owner:  Peter R. & Janet Deupree Miller (sister of Margo Deupree Grund - 5 Stoney Creek)
Description: 2 story "stucco and frame traditional" bungalow, dormered gable roof: living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room, family room, study, 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, wide front porch.
Story 1: According to the deeds, Alva Norris bought lots 24-27 in 1915 so the house might have been built before 1921.  Alva Norris is in the 1920 Census in Columbia Township.  Lot 28 was added too.   
Story 2:      Jerusha Carr is Joe Busken's sister.  Although the Busken children grew up on Indian Hill, at that time all children living on the side of Indian Hill nearest to Terrace Park attended the Terrace Park School.  Jerusha Busken Neff Carr was born 25 December 1930 and died 5 May 1999, aged 68 years.  Her husband, Robert John Carr Jr., was born 16 November 1925 and died 15 June 1983, aged 58 years.  They are both buried in St. Thomas Columbarium, Section 1, Niche 7.  Beth Hawley Carr was born at St. Joseph Hospital, Kokomo IN 24 February 1956 and died the same day.  She is actually buried at Memorial Park Cemetery, Kokomo IN although she is memorialized with her parents. 
     Joe and Bernie's son, Steven, died 27 August 2002.  Their daughter, Martha, died in 2008. 
     Bernice Dowd  Busken was born in New Liberty KY 23 August 1930.  As a child she lived with her parents at 609 Miami Avenue.  She died in Dayton OH 24 June 2010.
1939 Map: Vivrett ?
1942 Map: Norris
1951/3 Map: Easton (see obit in archives)
1959-66 Directories: Joe & Bernie Busken
1967-70 Directories: Charles & Helen Short
1971-74 Directories: Peter R. & Janet "Pepper" Miller (1969 from Madeira)
1975-76 Direct: ''         (Sold 1975)
1978 Directory: Jim & Sue Elliott
1980 Directory: Jim & Susan Elliott/Channer children
1982-97 Directories: John L. "Jack" & Diane Myslik
1998-2007 Directories: Adrian & Karen Vissat
2008-09 Direct: "         (Sold 2008)
2011-12 Directories: Steven & Kelly Minifie