414 Western
PhotosLegacy VersionGeneral Information
No: 414
Street: Western
House Name:
Historic Plaque:
Owner Info: N
Built: 1940
Sec: 29
Subdivision: Eveland
Lot: 4
Cont/build: Miles & Harry Eveland
1 1/2 story brick and frame Cape Cod gable
roof with dormers: 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths.
Owners: 12
Original Use: Residential
Current Use: Residential
As Built: N
Added To: Y
Subtracted From: N
Replaced: N
Description Of Changes: Sauters added a family room. 1985 - added attached garage, deck and back dormer. Late 1990s - kitchen remodeled and updated
Story 1: Edna Heil remembers (2007) the house was built by the Evelands for the market but they bought it soon so could add what they wanted. Mrs. Ennis, a Terrace Park teacher, lived next door and Dr. Bassinger had his office beyond that.Susan Heil Abernethy Frank says they moved from the house on her 6th birthday, September 11, 1948, just after she began 1st grade at Terrace Park Elementary School.. She went to the Community House for kindergarten.Story 2: Edna Jones Heil bought land at 611 Myrtle Avenue 16 February 1940 from Gertrude M. Fehl. She sold it to Cleo H. Spalding 16 November 1943.
Story 3: Stephen Estepp was Superintendant of Schools from 2013-