Legacy Version

206 Miami Avenue

Terrace Park, Ohio Building Survey

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No: 206  Street: Miami Name: 
Family: Kauffman Owner Info: N
Built: 1952 Sec: 23 Sub: Pattison & Iuen Lot: Irreg 19-20
Architect:  Cont/Build: 
#Owners: 5 Original Use: Residential Current Use: Residential
CHANGES As Built: N Add To: Y Sub From: N Replace: N
1967 - added detached garage in rear.  1976 - removed rear wall of garage and used part of the space for a kitchen and converted the rest to a family room.  John Van Luerte screened in the existing carport.  1989 - added a new 2nd floor bedroom and 2 baths; converted existing bedroom to a den.  1993 - a 12' x 14' deck built for Richard & Elsa Williams (Deckmasters, Inc.).  2010 permit for Mud Room Addition by Michaelson Homes for Kauffman. 
Current Owner: Jeff T. & Jody L. Kauffman Date Fr: 2007 Date To: 
Original OwnerAlbert C. & Mary E. Black Date Fr: 1949 Date To: 1973
Owner 1: John V. Von Luehrta (1977 Hazel M. Von Luehrta) Date Fr 1: 1973 Date To 1: 1980
Owner 2: Helen Asbury et al (& Gordon Rich) Date Fr 2: 1980 Date To 2: 1985
Owner 3: Richard L. & Elisa W. Williams Date Fr 3: 1985 Date To 3: 2007
Owner 4: Date Fr 4: Date To 4: 
Owner 5:  Date Fr 5:  Date To 5: 
Owner 6:  Date Fr 6:  Date To 6: 
Owner 7:  Date Fr 7:  Date To 7: 
Owner 8:  Date Fr 8:  Date To 8: 
Owner 9:  Date Fr 9:  Date To 9: 
Owner 10:  Date Fr 10:  Date To 10: 
1975 Owner:  John V. Von Luehrte. 19, 20 PI
Description: 2 story brick & siding, hip & gable roofs.
Story 1: Originally this was the site of the tennis court to the Meyer's house on the corner of Miami and Cambridge (203 Cambridge).  Later evidently sold off for a building lot.
Story 2: John V. Von Luehrte died 19 October 1977, buried Evergreen Cemetery, Miami Township, OH, Noakes Funeral Home. 
1959-72 Directories: Albert C. & Mary Black
1973-76 Directories: Gregg, Mike & John Von Luehrte
1978 Directory: John Von Luehrte
1980-84 Directories: Gordon & Helen Rich
1986-2005 Directories: Richard "Rick" & Elisa Williams
2006-07 Direct: Rick Williams         (Sold 2007)
2008-12 Directories: Jeff & Jodi Kauffman