Legacy Version

120 Winding Brook Lane

 Terrace Park, Ohio Building Survey

Click here to see photo Click here to see deed index
No: 120  Street: Winding Brook Name: 
Family: SOLD Owner Info: N
Built: 1965 Sec: 29 Sub: Thompson's Terrace Acres B Lot: 34
Architect: Pease Cont/Build: O. O. Thompson
#Owners: 3 Original Use: Residential Current Use: Residential
CHANGES As Built: Y Add To: N Sub From: N Replace: N
2004 permit for Neubrochs to remodel - alter basement (Basement Living Systems).
Current Owner:  Date Fr: 2010 Date To: 
Original Owner: Anthony A. III & Margery L. Hoffman  Date Fr: 1965 Date To: 1977
Owner 1: Horst C. & Estela Dengler (1979 just Estela) Date Fr 1: 1977 Date To 1: 1995
Owner 2: (Paul Kennedy Tr) Date Fr 2: 1995 Date To 2: 1996
Owner 3: Anthony & Stephanie M. Neubroch Date Fr 3: 1996 Date To 3: 2010
Owner 4:  Date Fr 4:  Date To 4: 
Owner 5:  Date Fr 5:  Date To 5: 
Owner 6:  Date Fr 6:  Date To 6: 
Owner 7:  Date Fr 7:  Date To 7: 
Owner 8:  Date Fr 8:  Date To 8: 
Owner 9:  Date Fr 9:  Date To 9: 
Owner 10:  Date Fr 10:  Date To 10: 
1975 Owner:  Margery L. Hoffman 
Description: 2 story Pease Colonial, gable roof: 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, full basement, attached garage.
Story 1: The deeds for Windingbrook are interesting in that they show the Iuen ownership for their farm and dairy from 1883 until 1960 when the property was sold to O. O. Thompson for development. 
1965-68 Directories: Tony & Margery Hoffman III & Jana Zaeh
1969-70 Direct: ''       (Antony A. Hoffman moved to 215 Rugby)
1971-72 Direct: Mrs. Tony (Margery) Hoffman III
1973-76 Directories: Mrs. Margery Hoffman
1978 Directory: Horst & Estelle Dengler
1980 Directory: Gerald & Lester C. Sr. Auble (renters?)
1982-93 Directories John & Cindy Coleman (renters?)
1994-95 Direct: Les & Vanessa Schoeck (renters?) (Sold 1995)
1996-97 Direct: ----     (Sold 1996)
1998-2009 Directories: Tony Neubroch & Stephanie Hughes-Neubroch
2011-12 Directory Stephanie Hughes