108 Marian Lane
PhotosLegacy VersionGeneral Information
No: 108
Street: Marian
House Name:
Historic Plaque:
Owner Info: N
Built: 1957
Sec: 29
Subdivision: Nordloh
Lot: 18
Architect: James Nordloh
Cont/build: Joseph & Albert Nordloh
Brick & siding Split level, gable roof.
Owners: 3
Original Use: Residential
Current Use: Residential
As Built: N
Added To: Y
Subtracted From: N
Replaced: N
Description Of Changes: 1963 - enclosed screen porch for family room (Graydon Decamp). 2006 - Stirsman permit to add & remodel, (Jane Yancey, architect).
Story 1: Diane DeCamp's mother was Mrs. Douglas P. Johnson, 103 Red Bird Lane)Story 2: My father's uncles, Joseph W. & Albert C. Nordloh built the homes on Marian Lane - my father was the Architect and my grandfather J. Leo did all the tile work in them, and Robert Nordloh, Joe, Albert & Leo's brother, was the realtor! Also, some of the homes on Washington Avenue and the little Cape Cod houses [on] Wooster Pike were built very early on by Joe (go down Gatch Avenue in Milford and you will see the same products). Information from Lee Nordloh.
Story 3: Diane DeCamp - president TP Garden Club 1964-66 (& 1990-92)
Story 4: Donald & (Iva) Jeanne Dillman lived here.Jeanne Dillman died 23 Mar 2013. They are the parents of Jeff & Mickey Dillman. Jeff married Amy Barker. They lived at 101 Marian Lane and moved to 753 Wooster Pike. Mickey married Jack Forbes (600 Yale Avenue).