401 Stanton Avenue Deed Index (Click here for interpretation)

        Index   Deed   Prior Prior   Notes Years
Registered   Grantor (from) Grantee (to) Ser. Book Page Book Page Book Page   Lots  
Built 1930   Sibley 2nd, Block 6, Sec 22 Lots 10, 11, part 32                    
7-Sep-1829   Biggs, Zacheus per Adm'r Bank of United States 1 22 410 33 114         2.18
12-Nov-1831   Bank of United States Jones, George W. 1 22 414 41 71 33 114   102.5 ac. 12.75
7-Aug-1844   Jones, George W per Sheriff Kirby, Timothy 1 22 416 97 94       73 acres 0.03
17-Aug-1844   Kirby, Timothy Dundas, James et al 1 22 416 97 133         " 1.08
16-Sep-1845   Dundas, James et al Biggs, Thomas R. 1 22 416 105 410       73 acres 40.06
29-Sep-1885   Biggs, Thomas R. per Admx Kline, Benneville 3 33 104 590 546       3-16 0.39
20-Feb-1886   Kline, Benneville Sibley, James W. 3 33 106 607 551         " 7.15
13-Apr-1893   Sibley, James W. Toph, Guy W. 4 48 360 750 446       10,11 5.40
6-Sep-1898   Toph, Guy W. Kincaid, Jerry S. 4 48 360 823 307 750 446   10,11 25.37
14-Jan-1924   Kincaid, Jerry S. Est of Affidavit as to 6 49 218 1301 435       10,11 0.00
14-Jan-1924   Kincaid, J.T. & M. A. Schreiber & Hochstrasser 6 49 218 1325 136 1301 435   10,11 1.19
25-Mar-1925   Schreiber, E.C. & A.C. King, Harry C. 6 49 218 1346 218 1325 136   10,11 2.05
12-Apr-1927   King, Harry C. & M.E. Van Frank, Florence B. 7 64 38 1414 560 1346 218   10,11 48.68
4-Dec-1975   Van Frank, Florence B. Wall, Mary C 8 64 38A 4033 1691       Und ½ int 0.18
9-Feb-1976   Van Frank, Robert A et al Greiner, James R & Kristine 8 64 38B 4038 542         3.72
29-Oct-1979   Greiner, James R & Kristine Miller, Timothy D 8 64 38B 4173 685         3.73
22-Jul-1983   Miller, Timothy D Rice, Pamela Jane et al 8 64 38B 4262 1428         3.20
1-Oct-1986   Holmes, Thomas A Rice, Pamela Jane 8 64 38B 4362 1898         0.46
19-Mar-1987   Rice, Pamela Jane Naylor, Linda S 8 64 38B 4376 1299         14.90
8-Feb-2002   Dison, Ernest Jack Naylor, Linda S 8 64 38C 8823 3092 4376 1299     4.43
13-Jul-2006   Naylor, Linda S Dziedzic, Joseph & Beverly 9     10294 3049 8823 3092     2.47