306 Stanton Avenue Deed Index (Click here for interpretation)

        Index   Deed   Prior Prior   Notes  Years
Registered   Grantor (from) Grantee (to) Ser. Book Page Book Page Book Page   Lots  
Built 1906   Sibley 2nd, Block 7, Sec 22/3 Lots 64, part 58 - 63                    
7-Sep-1829   Biggs, Zacheus per Adm'r Bank of United States 1 22 410 33 114         2.18
12-Nov-1831   Bank of United States Jones, George W. 1 22 414 41 71 33 114   102.5 ac. 12.75
7-Aug-1844   Jones, George W per Sheriff Kirby, Timothy 1 22 416 97 94       73 acres 0.03
17-Aug-1844   Kirby, Timothy Dundas, James et al 1 22 416 97 133         " 1.08
16-Sep-1845   Dundas, James et al Biggs, Thomas R. 1 22 416 105 410       73 acres 40.06
29-Sep-1885   Biggs, Thomas R. per Admx Kline, Benneville 3 33 104 590 546       3-16 0.39
20-Feb-1886   Kline, Benneville Sibley, James W. 3 33 106 607 551         " 5.41
20-Jul-1891   Sibley, James W. Toph, Guy W. 4 48 364 714 467       62 1.73
13-Apr-1893   Sibley, James W. Toph, Guy W. 4 48 364 750 446       58-61 0.38
30-Aug-1893   Sibley, James W. Kokendoffer, A. W. 4 48 364 758 173       63,64 1.06
21-Sep-1894   Toph, Guy W. Stout, Newton 4 48 364 776 148 750 446   60,61 1.22
10-Dec-1895   Toph, Guy W. Kincaid, John T. 4 48 366 792 445 750 446   59 2.74
6-Sep-1898   Toph, Guy W. Kincaid, John S. 4 48 366 823 307 750 446   58 0.10
12-Oct-1898   Toph, Guy W. Haden, Joel 4 48 366 825 282 714 467   62 0.00
12-Oct-1898   Haden, Joel Taylor, A. P. 4 48 366 823 469 825 282   62 9.08
9-Nov-1907   Stout, Mary & L. Costello, John H. 5 55 198 981 482 776 148   60,61 0.05
27-Nov-1907   Costello, John H. Fuller, Harry H. 5 55 198 983 73 981 482   60,61 0.12
10-Jan-1908   Kokendoffer, A. W. Costello, John H. 5 55 198 983 289 758 173   63,64 0.02
16-Jan-1908   Costello, John H. Fuller, Harry H. 5 55 198 988 2 983 289   63,64 0.62
31-Aug-1908   Kincaid, John S. Fuller, Harry H. 5 55 198 996 221 823 307   58 0.00
31-Aug-1908   Kincaid, John S. Fuller, Harry H. 5 55 198 995 387 792 445   59 11.92
31-Jul-1920   Fuller, Harry H. & B. H. Ferris, Anna M. 6 49 224 1230 337       58-64 ex 62 1.14
21-Sep-1921   Taylor, A. P. Ferris, John H. 6 49 224 1237 615 823 469   62 -0.01
16-Sep-1921   Ferris, Anna M. Ferris, John H. 6 49 224 1248 578 1230 337   58-64 ex 62 0.00
16-Sep-1921   Ferris, John H. Clancey, Janet J. 6 49 224 1239 599 1248 578   58-64 ex 62 43.91
2-Aug-1965   Clancey, Janet J Est. Clancey, Elizabeth B 8 64 42A 3428 536         38.73
15-Apr-2004   Clancey, Elizabeth B Tiara Properties LLC 9     9591 2761 3428 536     2.34
16-Aug-2006   Tiara Properties LLC Swords, Timothy & Tracy 9     10324 2896 9591 2761     2.38