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745 Yale Avenue

PhotosLegacy Version

General Information

No:   745  
Street:   Yale  
House Name:     
Historic Plaque:     
Owner Info:   N  
Built:   2007  
Sec:   22  
Subdivision:   Sibley  
Lot:   33-34, part 48-63  

Description:    2 story stone & siding with steep gable and hip roof.  Built on land that was earlier owned by Libby Clancey at 306 Stanton.    
Owners:   1  
Original Use:   Residential  
Current Use:   Residential  

As Built:   Y  
Added To:   N  
Subtracted From:   N  
Replaced:   N  

Description Of Changes:   2007 permit for Tiara Properties to build new single family residence (Archi-tee/Drackett-Harth) Crouse  


Story 1: The Crouse garden was on the TP Garden Club's 3 August 2010 Garden Walk.