624 Yale Avenue
PhotosLegacy VersionGeneral Information
No: 624
Street: Yale
House Name:
Historic Plaque:
Owner Info: Y
Built: 1927
Sec: 23
Subdivision: Sibley's 3rd BL 15
Lot: 11, 12, pt 13
Cont/build: Mr. Schreiber
2 story, siding, gable roof.
Owners: 5
Original Use: Residential
Current Use: Residential
As Built: N
Added To: Y
Subtracted From: N
Replaced: N
Description Of Changes: 1966 - the full length open porch on the north side was enclosed (Ronald E. Hughes, contractor). Wood shingles on the roof were replaced with shingles. Otherwise much as built: original hardware, doors, floor plan etc. remain with a slight change in the kitchen.
Story 1: The Gundlachs were told that the house was a kit home but there are no markings within it. They were also told that the builder lived in the house while he built several others similar in layout and construction on Yale and perhaps also on other streets in Terrace Park. The front of the house certainly looks very much like 711 Yale.Story 2: This house was custom built by Mr. Schrieber for Aubrey C. Mitchell and his wife, Mary. Thus it was not a kit home. Their daughter Alice Jean Mitchell grew up here and married Carl Thomsen (see 709 Yale) at St. Thomas Church. They were both graduates of Terrace Park School (she in 1942, he in 1939) as was Alice's brother Robert (1939). Carl grew up in Mariemont and came to school from there. Both boys were in WW II. There's more information on the family in the archives of the Terrace Park Historical Society. (Information from granddaughter Nancy Thomsen Cook) Aubrey C. Mitchell died Nov. 24, 1971 in St. Petersburg FL
According to Julie Northrop, Dale Peter and his first wife, Tina, lived here at one time, but evidently not long enough to show up in any records. He died on May 2,2024, aged 82. His obit was in the Enquirer a bit later, giving information about his later life. It's in TPHS.