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914 Stanton Avenue

PhotosLegacy Version

General Information

No:   914  
Street:    Stanton   
House Name:     
Historic Plaque:     
Owner Info:   N  
Built:    1958   
Sec:   28  
Subdivision:   Thomas R. Biggs Gravelotte  
Lot:   Pars 113-115, pt vac Orange, BL 13  

Description:    1 story Ranch, siding, gable roof.    
Owners:   3F  
Original Use:   Residential  
Current Use:   Residential  

As Built:   N  
Added To:   Y  
Subtracted From:   N  
Replaced:   N  

Description Of Changes:    1961 - Robert Sammis added the porch.  


Story 1: Robert E. Sammis was born 16 July 1920 and died 17 August 2005, aged 85 years. He was buried in Armstrong Chapel Cemetery 22 August 2005, Section 3, Row 30, Grave 1. He was a World War II veteran. Patricia Sammis died 14 January 2010 after a long illness. According to an article in the Cincinnati Enquirer 22 January 2010 she was a great bridge player and cook, famous for her Parker House-style rolls and extensive knowledge of bridge. There were 3 children: Pamela, Robert Jr. & Richard.