315-2 New Street
PhotosLegacy VersionGeneral Information
No: 315-2
Street: New
House Name:
Historic Plaque:
Owner Info: Y
Built: 1996
Sec: 23
Subdivision: Columbia
Architect: Studer Residential Designs
Cont/build: (Steve) Fletcher Homes
2 1/2 stories traditional home, country style with front
porch, cedar siding outside, hip roof with front dormers.
Owners: 1
Original Use: Residential
Current Use: Residential
As Built: Y
Added To:
Subtracted From:
Replaced: Y
Description Of Changes: 2005 permit for Culver to complete partially finished basement. G. T. Koszycki, architect, Fletcher Home, contractor.
Story 1: This house was built between the original 305 & 315 but keeps the 315 house number as that was the Shanafelt/Voegeli's old house number. The house was built on a subdivided lot purchased by Steve Fletcher from Ken Shanafelt. (see 315-1)Story 2: The Vogeli home was on the 1998 Sunday December 6 Holiday Tour of Homes TP Garden Club House Tour. Homes were open from 1-5 PM and tickets were $10. The Community House was open for Ticket sales, Holiday gift items, Refreshments and Restrooms.