315-1 New Street
PhotosLegacy VersionGeneral Information
No: 315-1
Street: New
House Name:
Historic Plaque:
Owner Info: N
Sec: 23
Subdivision: Columbia
Lot: 66 & 67
Architect: Joseph Schneller (designer)
Cont/build: Ed Schreiber
2 story brick English style, roof with gables.
Original Use: Residential
Current Use: torn down
As Built:
Added To:
Subtracted From: Y
Replaced: Y
Description Of Changes: 1973 - Kenneth Shanafelt erected a garage. 1997 - house torn down and new house built (315-2) between the original 305 & 325 keeping Vogeli's old 315 house number. (1997- building permit shows demolition of 320 by Fletcher.)
Story 1: Margaret Schaefer was brought up here by her grandmother Mrs. Schneller and lived here until 1946. She married Robert Van Frank who grew up at 401 Stanton. They moved to Hillsboro where Margaret is Director of the Highland County Historical Society (2010). Robert has died.Story 2: Eleanor Gallagher who was at one time a teacher at the Terrace Park school, was listed at this address. She is also listed at 406 Washington.Another teacher listed as living here was Jean Soth. Probably they were boarders.