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822 Lexington Avenue

PhotosLegacy Version

General Information

No:   822  
Street:   Lexington  
House Name:     
Historic Plaque:     
Owner Info:   N  
Built:   1948  
Sec:   22  
Subdivision:   Sibley  
Lot:   46-51  

Description:    Split level, stone, brick & aluminum siding, gable roof.     
Owners:   7F  
Original Use:   Residential  
Current Use:   Residential  

As Built:   N  
Added To:   Y  
Subtracted From:   N  
Replaced:   N  

Description Of Changes:   1978 - C. W. Billings added aluminum siding to gable and trim. 2003 - add & remodel - 4 1/2  


Story 1: Charles Chuck W. Billings was born 6 October 1921 and died 16 October 1997, aged 76 years, Craver-Riggs Funeral Home. Barbara Billings was born 28 November 1919 and died 20 September 1999, aged 79 years, Legacy Funeral Care. They are both buried in St. Thomas Columbarium, Section 1, Niche 8. Is Thomas Daniel Billings, born 1955 and died 1956, in this family?
Story 2: Did Deuschle ever live here and then move to 921 Princeton?