610 Lexington Avenue
PhotosLegacy VersionGeneral Information
No: 610
Street: Lexington
House Name:
Historic Plaque:
Owner Info: Y
Built: 1940
Sec: 23
Subdivision: Sibley
Lot: 41-42
Architect: Prefab-Gunnison
Cont/build: unknown
1 story Gunnison Ranch, siding, gable
Owners: 2
Original Use: Residential
Current Use: Residential
As Built: Y
Added To: N
Subtracted From: N
Replaced: N
Description Of Changes: F 1964 - Paul Stewart installed aluminum siding. 1994 permit for Gertrude Stewart to rebuild the front porch (Keffer, contractor). 010
Story 1: In Village Views article December 1985: Dealing with a 50-foot lot problem in reverse, the commission held that there was nothing to prevent Paul Stewart from selling a 100-foot lot adjoining his home site at 610 Lexington Ave. Stewart bought and built upon a 50-foot lot in 1941, and bought the 100-foot lot adjoining in 1944.Story 2: Mrs. Anna Hattaway, widow of Guy E. Hattaway is listed as living here in an obit. The Hattaway home was 618 Lexington. Did she ever live at 610?
Story 3: Paul Stewart was married to Helen. They had a son Bob whose 2nd wife was Gertrude. They had a daughter Shari who may have at least some ownership in the home.
Story 4: Helen Stewart - president Terrace Park Garden Club 1947-49