619 Home Avenue
PhotosLegacy VersionGeneral Information
No: 619
Street: Home
House Name:
Historic Plaque:
Owner Info: Y
Built: 1941/2
Sec: 23
Subdivision: C. R. Stuntz
Lot: Pt 1
Cont/build: Fritz Huber
Built as a 1 story cedar siding Cape Cod, gable roof: 2-bedroom and bath. Now a
4-bedroom, 2 bath, 1 1/2 story home.
Owners: 7F
Original Use: Residential
Current Use: Residential
As Built: N
Added To: Y
Subtracted From: N
Replaced: N
Description Of Changes: 1952 - the Faughts converted the 1-car garage and breezeway to a 2-car garage and library/TV room. They added a 32' x 14' screened porch and patio, 2 bedrooms and bath to the then unfinished 2nd floor. 1987 - the Blums re-built the kitchen including revamping the electric from 100 amp. entry to 200 etc.