615-1 Home Avenue
PhotosLegacy VersionGeneral Information
No: 615-1
Street: Home
House Name:
Historic Plaque:
Owner Info: N
Built: 1948/9
Sec: 23
Subdivision: C. R. Stuntz
Lot: pt 1
Architect: Critchell (uncle of Ferd)
Cont/build: Hume Corwin (built many Terrace Park homes)
1 story brick Ranch, gable roof.
Owners: 1F
Original Use: Residential
Current Use: torn down (see 615-2)
As Built: Y
Added To: N
Subtracted From: Y
Replaced: Y
Description Of Changes:
Story 1: The Siegels moved to Terrace Park in 1943 and lived on Floral while their home was being built. Materials were difficult to obtain due to the recent end of World War II.Story 2: Louis Francis Siegel was born 5 January 1901 and died 11 March 1994, aged 93 years. Grace Lorraine Siegel was born 4 September 1907 and died 21 May 2002, aged 94 years. They are both buried in St. Thomas Church Columbarium, Section 8, Niche 233, Craver-Riggs Funeral Home.