726-1 Franklin Avenue
PhotosLegacy VersionGeneral Information
No: 726-1
Street: Franklin
House Name:
Historic Plaque:
Owner Info: N
Built: 1953
Sec: 28
Subdivision: Eveland's 2nd
Lot: 37
Cont/build: George Wunker
1 story brick & siding Ranch, gable
Original Use: Residential
Current Use: Residential
As Built: N
Added To: N
Subtracted From:
Replaced: Y
Description Of Changes: 2002 - permit for Epic Builders to wreck building leaving the foundation and garage slab (Epic).
Story 1: H. Bass Fenton was Mayor of Terrace Park 1938-43. (see the Fenton House 707 Elm) According to St. Thomas Columbarium records: Dorothy Catherine Fenton Anderson is buried there: She was born 4 December 1911 and died 5 December 2000, aged 89 years, buried in Section 8, Niche 230. Dorothy and William B. Fenton are sister and brother, children of Henry Bass Fenton. He died 25 January 1967. Lola Fenton died 18 August 1962.Story 2: According to Mary Annett, Dorothy Catherine Fenton Anderson lived here with her husband and son, Jerry.