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721 Floral Avenue

PhotosLegacy Version

General Information

No:   721  
Street:   Floral  
House Name:     
Historic Plaque:     
Owner Info:   N  
Built:   1925  
Sec:   22  
Subdivision:   Sibley  
Lot:   25-28  
Cont/build:   Fred Strathmann & Sons Builders  

Description:    1 story Ranch, siding, gable roof.    
Owners:   1F  
Original Use:   Residential  
Current Use:   Residential  

As Built:   Y  
Added To:   N  
Subtracted From:   N  
Replaced:   N  

Description Of Changes:   Sandy Koehler thinks she remembers Margaret Jones telling her this house was moved. Does anyone else know anything about that?  


Story 1: Mabel Landrum Jones turned 99 on June 3, 1992. She has lived at the same address in Terrace Park since 1925. She's the widow of Walter Jones who owned and operated Terrace Park Plumbing Company until the 1950s. Their only child, Margaret A. Jones, has lived on Floral Avenue since she was 14 months old. Village Views.

Story 2: There's an oil painting of this house that was done by Charles Meurer for the Jones family in exchanged for a small plumbing job. The painting is on display at the Terrace Park Historical Society.