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428 Elm Avenue

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General Information

No:   428  
Street:   Elm  
House Name:   Baptist Church/Community House  
Historic Plaque:   2008  
Owner Info:   N  
Built:   1890  
Sec:   29  
Subdivision:   G. W. Corey  
Lot:   2  
Cont/build:   George Washington Corey  

Description:    2 story Victorian church, poured concrete, gable roof.   
Owners:   4  
Original Use:   Baptist Church  
Current Use:   Community House and Village Services including Police (see story 6)  

As Built:   N  
Added To:   Y  
Subtracted From:   N  
Replaced:   N  

Description Of Changes:   1945 - added municipal garage. Addition to Community House for fire trucks built by Strathman. Ord. 112. 9/11/45. 1966 - addition to Fire House at the rear of the Community House. 1972 - added a room and refinished the office. 1976 - added to Fire House. 1987 - Rawnsley Administation Building dedicated.  


Story 1: Copy of Corey's original drawing for the church showing the Baptismal pool in Terrace Park archives (subject file). There's also a copy on the wall of the Community House.
Story 2: 1911-12 Directory: Terrace Park Baptist Church. Also listed in 1897 but not 1891,
Story 3: Public Kindergarten was held here in the mid-1940s. Ms. Kahle teacher.
Story 4: The Baptist Church was designed and built by George Corey in 1890 out of cement according to a formula of his and with the assistance of such working men as he could procure and the financial aid of all the residents (quote from Mrs. Ida M. Breiling's paper on Terrace Park). When the Baptists had no longer a need for it they sold it to the Village of Terrace Park in 1922 for a Village Hall. In time fire bays were added and in 1987 the Administration Building was built and dedicated to Ellis and Bonnie Rawnsley for their years of service and generosity to the village.

Story 5: When Louise Halley was on Council and in charge of the Community House she had the big oak table repaired and refinished. She also ordered the 12 oak chairs from Swallens. The small oak table came from a Maintenance man.

Story 6: Before the new Fire & EMS house was built in 2007, Fire & EMS were at this address.